

Hello! I have been playing howrse on and off for many years on the international server. I am trying to breed high GP KWPNS, as well as collection breeding for as many coat colors as possible for as many breeds as possible. I will accept all friend requests so if you want to send me one feel free!

Also, Anyone else remember when people's presentations were full of little icon meme things? Well I'm hunting for those, so if you know where I can find those little gifs let me know so I can hoard them Add them to this!


Any horses that I am looking for will go here. Found horses will be crossed off.
This is just for me to keep track of what I want
  • Donkey Unicorn- doesn't need covers, preferably on the cheaper side
  • Draft Unicorn- Also doesnt need covers, preferably on the cheaper side. Any breed.

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