Hi, you can call me Luna!
I started on Howrse as Satinlover about 15 years ago with a beautiful Friesian I named Black Satin. My username caused a bit of confusion and I had to then include in my presentation that my username was Satin like the silky fabric and not Satan (the devil)...if only the young players who thought I was weird only realized the difference in spelling, it really makes all the difference haha! Oh the things we don’t think about when we are kids! I now play under a new fun name, and I’m on the International server by the same name so if you play over there too, look me up! :)
I have kept playing off and on over the years with different accounts. I’m now married and just got back on here to pass the time occasionally. If I don’t respond for long periods of time it’s just because my real life is more important, not because I don’t value connecting with people on the game.
My husband and I are looking to buy our first home and hopefully buy something with a little bit of land so that I can have a horse again (who knows how many years away that part will be, but a girl can dream right?) I have spent my whole life (irl) riding and owning horses. I used to manage an equine rescue, train horses and teach lessons and now just enjoy riding when I can.
I hope we can be friends and enjoy this cute game together!