Hi everyone! I am new on this account but I have had previous ones. They have been deactivated since I haven't played in years but I used to be in the top 50-100 players in the game years ago. I got bored during quarantine and decided to try this out again!
I used to be a part of a Shagya Arabian team, which has either been since disbanded or I just can't remember the name, but once I am qualified I would love to be a part of one again!
I am a college student and I will hopefully be working 2 jobs this summer so I will try my best to log on every day to take care of my horses and such. PM me if you want to be friends or if you have any tips for the game! I am doing my best with what I remember but I don't remember a lot of how to play right now! I also always love to talk, so feel free to reach out. Happy gaming!