
I am ShorseySobek, an adult player who is here for a little escape from the stresses of life. I am incredibly laid back and try to be kind. Shoot me a friend request! 
Most of my horses are up for sale, if you offer appropriately. 
All males are up for private stud (unless gelded), all you have to do is ask!

I am focusing on breeding Mustangs (Outlaws) with a GP of over 6400, trying to increase it with the help of some wonderfully knowledgeable players. I will buy fillies and colts with a GP over 6300, just reserve them for me at an a reasonable price. My goals for Mustangs are to consistently BLUP to be able to produce over 6400GP. If you have any tips, please send me a PM.

I also breed Barbs (Cacti Conglomerate), mostly focusing on color trophy and bringing up GP. Very new in this breed. If you have a rare coat or high GP you are willing to part with, I'd love to talk your terms! 

Thanks to some incredibly players, I was able to get my feet wet with some beautiful Friesians (Nobility). I only have a male and female at this time, but am looking to get more, as long as their GP is over 6000.

I absolutely appreciate all help in the game, and am always looking for tips and tricks. Thanks to all!