I accept any unwanted horses for 1000e and they will forever stay with me 


I'm just an 18 year old girl from Texas starting back up on a favorite childhood game. I have had a few accounts years ago but nothing too extreme. I am going to be a freshman in college majoring in Animal Science this fall so lots of new experiences are coming! Feel free to message me even if its just for a chat. No judgements here (: I accept all friend requests!


My main focus is cams (joined a team for them!) and a few personal side projects on the side of high GP horses I have picked up along the way. The horses in "the other horses" are my AP horses and are not for resale unless specifically stated. I just recently started my EC and will try to increase the prestige... this wont be too big of a focus but a goal to work towards. 



Currently recruiting, contact Invisible for more details!