About Me
While I am new to the US server, I am familiar with the game and you can find me on the international server as kaitodom.
I ride horses in real life and am between the ages of 20 and 25, being enrolled in college and engaged means I appreciate my free time and thoroughly enjoy spending time on this platform. When not on howrse, I'm spending time with pets, taking care of my plants and enjoying family time.
I barrel raced quarter horses for 7 years but now prefer to spend quality time on the trail to traveling the barrel circuit.
My Game
I am excited to try my hand at Western comps with Arabians and breeding Shetlands as I mostly focus on breeding TBs, and Vanner Uni's on my other game.
I took a long break from howrse until recently and found the fresh start on here enjoyable, as I get to experience it from the beginning all over again in a sense.
Feel free to pm me or add me as a friend!
Happy Howrsing