ayoooo! ya girl's back! I started playing like 10ish years ago? wow, has time flown. I played for like maybe 5-6 years, probably 3 of those years practically religiously, then on and off for 2-3, then the last time I had logged on was... 2ish years ago. Then they did the update thing about deleting inactive accounts. Sadge. but it's okay! I'm planning on just having some fun here and playing regularly again when I can.

Lemme know if you're interested in anything. obvs I'm still kinda getting back at it, so I might not be ready to sell what I have yet bc I'm trying to build my base back up, esp if they have 1% coats or fairly good GP, I'll be holding onto those for now. 

Okay guys, I'll happily take offers on any horses that have the "sharin" affix cus sharin is carin (they'll be in the "up for grabs" tab :D )

