Hi! I have an international account by the name of Plot Twist. I originally had one on here a long time ago but got deleted because of inactivity. So I created an account on here again not too long ago as the name Moon Dancer, but I didn't like that username and used it just cause that was the name of an old account. So at like 30 days of seniority I tried to change it but I wasn't about to waste 500 passes when I could just start over since I didn't really care for the breed I started off with anyway. 

I probably won't be as active on here as I am with my international account since I kind of prefer that server. Feel free to message me or send me a friend request. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

A few things about me:
Likes- Animals, reading, drawing, videogames, Marvel, D.C., manga, anime, TV shows, movies, crafts, and riding.
Dislikes- Very improper grammar, sitting in one place too long waiting, rude people, being used for other people's benefit, crowded places, heights, roller coasters, and when I get off schedule.

I do have my own horse in real life. She's a American Saddlebred and I ride Saddleseat.