Welcome to Nahale Manitou Center. My name is Galerane Moonsong and I am happy to have you visit. Nahale is Forest and Manitou is Spirit in Hawaiian. Most, if not all, of my horses have Elvish, French, German, or American Indian names. This is because I have French, German, and Choctaw in my lineage; I should have been an Elf, and I have lived in Hawaii. I now live in Alaska and never want to leave!
The current breeds in my stable include Appaloosa, Arabian, Nokota, and Percheron. My Arabian and Nokota are both geldings so I won't be working on perfecting these breeds. I have a Western center, however, I work with horses in Classic (English) and Western.
With more paddocks being built, I have 4 now that have been rented out. I have my rent at 50 Equus to help with the costs of setting up a center from scratch. All stalls include a shower and water trough, the meadows have feed troughs.
Please, feel free to visit my horses hand stop by the tables set-up under the tall tree over to your left. We have a Bar B Que with all the fixings including peach cobbler warm from baking and homemade vanilla ice cream. Enjoy!