
If you see a horse you want in my breeding farm, PM me for prices. 
Also, I accept all friend requests, and if I send you one and you don't
Want it, don't be rude about it.

I currently have two affixes, Union Junction  and IsenFier.
Union Junction is for Draft horses and IsenFier if for my other horses.

About Me: I have a lot of cats and their names are Samsung, Midnight Rider, Chloe, Angie Angel, Splash, Kitlen, Scruff, Terry, Gale, Kiff, Little Harry, Little Oreo, and little Boots Collins. I also have a dog, Sadie. Samsung and Sadie are both inside furbabies. I love to read, so if someone has read a good book lately, I'd love to hear about it. I also love dragons. 

During the week, I don't play this a whole lot because I have school. If I miss messages be assured I'll get back to you. (Would appreciate congratulations)

9/21/23 - Bred my first unicorn
9/22/23 - Bred my second unicorn