I am Ruthy

A.K.A Eysasha on the international version. That account is many years old so if you are also on that server feel free to friend me there!

Wow, a lot has changed from when I first started many years ago. I do plan on focusing on Vanners, but if you have any foundation horses I am more than happy to take them!

I am a bit frustrated on how the VIP now works, but what are ya gonna do? 

About Me

I am an adult player over 30 years old and live in the USA. I ride regularly, but unfortunately I cannot afford my own horse, so here I am trying to live out that dream!

Massive Dragon Age and WoW fan! Currently still trying to finish inquisition lol having a life and children does make finishing games difficult. Currently running classic Wrath in WoW and could not be more excited!

You do not need to buy passes to get places in this game! Plenty of people here have reached the top without buying passes. I have bought passes in the past and come to realize it is just not worth it.
  1. Be sure to do your daily objectives!
  2. If you are trying for a divine be sure you focus on ones that give high value BMI, passes, or pass seeds.
  3. Unicorns regularly sell for passes.
  4. Be sure to stroke your 5 daily Xanthos for a chance at a Horn of Plenty.
  5. Use the passes you do have wisely!
  6. BE PATIENT. If you are relying solely on gameplay then it WILL take longer to get places, but you will get there with time, experience, skill, and friends.

All of my horses are direct from my own breeding stock. They come from Ouranos and Gaia and I am very proud of that. Even if their mother or father disappeared, if they have my affix they are directly related back to my originals. I'm aware that this has 0 effect on the horses, it's just something I find fun in game.