Hi my name is Brynlee My bestfriend is Alice (floridacowgirl) she brought me to this game
I live in Texas and I have a few horses Irl, but Alice's horse's River and Applejack are probably my favorite.

I am going to just buy horses and try to get alotĀ 
I will buy them for 3000 equus each when i get enough money to buy horsesĀ 
Im still on the first 100 objectives and Im getting help from Alice and also if anyone wants to be my friend i would love to be friends Alice also told me theres events that can be done so I would need friends to help with the events to be eaiser for both sides i think is what she said
I'm 13 and 11 monthes old I love to Rodeo and I can't wait to play this game when i have free time8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582024785.png