3 Thanks for taking a look at my layout! Please do not remove my name or website from this layout. It took me a long time to make each of these layouts and I would like my work to be appreciated, thank you! This box will automatically become a scroll box when....
Although my profile is new, I'm in no way new to this game. I've played on and off for many years. Never making it very far and alway starting over. There is something about this game that always drawls me back. This time I'm going to give it my best try!
I'm an older adult player. Mother to two adult children (One which introduced me to this game). Grandmother to two grandchildren and two grandpups (A Great Pyrenees and a Great Pekingese, and yes I added the Great to my Pekingese pup name on my own.     I just love the breed!
I congratulate the 5 most recent who have congratulated me as well as friends. (one page# a day) Also Birthdays, and players who participated in my competitions. I only do one group a day, a different group the next and so on.