Welcome to my page! (It's a bit of a work in progress50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582022760.png)

I'm working on building up my number of horses currently and would love some AP and/or Fillers to help. If you have any you want to sell please message me!

My Game
Hey there! I used to play on the international server as Sayar, before my account got deleted due to inactivity. I will also be willing to sell horses if the right price is offered, so shoot me a message at anytime. Lately, I've been getting into BLUPing horses without any items. I'm all for BLUPing a horse, it really helps expand your breeding farms and get a little money. 

A Little Bit About Me
Horses have been my passion since I was a toddler, and I hope to one day ride in the Olympics for show jumping. I'm also a big Directioner so if you have any questions about One Direction or simply want to talk about them; shoot me a message, I adore talking about them! 

Have a wonderful day and happy Howrsing!!
