
On my account, I focus on French Trotters, Friesians, and Selle Français.

I adore the ocean and all the myths and legends surrounding certain sea monsters. I'm also interested in current marine biodiversity as well as that of the past, including the great sea reptiles that once roamed our oceans. In short, I love the myth of Atlantis and sea dragons.


The ocean is a fascinating world, filled with mysteries and wonders. The legends of sea monsters, such as the Kraken or the Leviathan, have always sparked human imagination. These mythical creatures, emerging from the unfathomable depths, represent both the beauty and terror of the ocean.


Beyond the legends, the reality of marine life is equally captivating. The current biodiversity of our oceans is incredible, with a multitude of species, from the smallest to the largest, coexisting in a delicate balance. Every creature, from tiny plankton to majestic whales, plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem.


And what about the creatures of the past? The great sea reptiles, such as plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, were the true lords of the seas. Their fossils tell us the story of a time when oceans were populated by giants, formidable predators that ruled worlds now gone.


The myth of Atlantis adds an extra dimension to this fascination. Imagine a lost city, swallowed by the waves, teeming with treasures and forgotten knowledge. The stories of Atlantis fuel our dreams of exploration and discovery, pushing us to seek further into the mysteries of the ocean.


Then there are the sea dragons, those legendary creatures that embody the power and majesty of the seas. Often depicted as great sea serpents or winged monsters, they continue to captivate our imagination and inspire fantastic tales.
