Adult player, minors have permission from parents before contacting please. 

Small breeder here are some plans that I will focus on-

1) Breeding and bettering my line of Knabstruppers
A) Working to get my purebreeding lines at better GP. Plan outcrossing every other generation
B) Selling Knabstruppers for money
i) selling spares for an amount determined by ibs + gp
ii) keeping and breeding extras from previous gens create sell lines
C) Experimenting with Crossbred Knabstruppers. Mostly for diversifying what comps I can focus on, crossbreds will likely be gelded or bred to 50/50 similar crossbreds I'll keep. Open to breeding with other 50/50 crossbreds if someone is open to working together.
D) Crossbred formulas for each competition with the exception of trail as knabstuppers already have the skills for it.

2) Building an AP farm.
a) Passively collecting Divines in Ascent of Olympus
b) breeding female horses of other breeds to produce more horses for the AP farm (will BLUP at minimum)
c) crossbreds are an addition to the farm as well.

3)Breed Unicorns (Knabstruppers)
a) with the changes (used to play a long time ago) I'd like to dabble in unicorns. This is a longer term goal. -> Thank you JunieB2 who sold me my first unicorn mare!
b) produce a unicorn filly -> Done also bred brother to start my unicorn lines
c) make a unicorn affix
If LovelyHorseLover sees this on your page, you could win a BMI! (Hint - she checks her congratulations!)