Hey everyone,

I'm not new to the game. You can find me on the german version as well, where I've been playing since early 2021.

I'm an introvert who spends all their time either reading, writing or playing Howrse.
Since Lord of the Rings is my absolute favorite book, I decided to learn one of the elven languages (Sindarin). That's also where all the weird names for my horses, affixes, breeding farms etc. come from.

For Example, my affix Roch o Ennor means "Horse from Middle-Earth" and will be used for all horses bred purely from my own production. Those will mainly be Curly horses, but I also plan on breeding Fjords, they just don't have their own affix yet.

If you have any questions/offers concerning me, my horses or the game in general, don't be shy to ask.
I'm also open to any friendship requests, regardless of wether it's just for a little help in events or to have someone to talk to.

Happy Howrsing,

Daily reminder that you are loved  <3

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
- John 3,16 KJV