BUYING- Pegasus’s, Donkeys, Drafts and Unicorns to coat, all variants. For GAs

Buying GAs that are not part of my collection PM 

My GA collection is sorted by rare coats vs not rare coats. If you are here browsing. Welcome =)

Divines in sale are always negotiable… I am very unaware of pricing for most things until it’s too late so I end up listing them high and if I get an offer I get an offer 

If you would like to add me as a friend feel free.. I accept everyone and send things for every event that requires them! 

I am an adult player so please if you are under 18 PM me with parents permission.

If you have accidentally placed a horse in Direct sale and my auto purchaser bought it. please send me a PM I will sell it back to you. I wont however do this if you "accidentally" put 20 horses in the sale. I understand accidents  but I doubt people accidentally intend to sell 20 horses.. 1 or 2 I can see happening- I have done it myself.  what I need you to do since I have a large amount of horses is:

1. Message me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I move horses fast sometimes the sooner you can PM me the better luck you will have in getting your horse back. if I havent possibly sold the horse....

2. send me the link to the horse.

3. be patient. I am not here all the time but I am working on checking messages before moving horses to the sales.

Thanks for reading, 


Formerly Jessi123