Welcome to Scollon Farms, This is my second time at Howrse and I, so far am having a good time while in this adventure.
I hope you will stay with us and train, ride and enter into a world of horses.
Foal Games:
These games are based on Fall/Spring/Summer format, placed in an EC with Shower and you have a fountain.
6 months: Groom, Stroke, Water, 5 hours Box, and 6 hours Pasture (will be short 2 pounds feed in the fall and do only 5 hours in the Pasture in the Spring and Summer), Bed in Pasture
8 months: Groom, 1.5 hours Pasture, Games/play with pet 2 hours, Turnip, Carrot, Feed 7 lbs, Games/play with pet 7 hours, Stroke, Water, Bed in Pasture
10 months: Groom, 1.5 hours Pasture, Games/play with pet 2 hours, Turnip, Carrot, Feed 8 lbs, Games/play with pet 8 hours, Stroke, Water, Bed in Pasture
1 year: Groom, 30 minutes Pasture, Games/play with pet 2 hours, Turnip, Carrot, Feed 10 lbs, Games/play with pet 9 hours, Stroke, Water, Bed in Pasture
1 year & 2 months: Groom, 30 minutes Pasture, Games/play with pet 2 hours, Turnip, Carrot, Feed 12 lbs, Games/play with pet 9 hours, Stroke, Water, Bed in Pasture
1 year & 4 months: Groom, 30 minutes Pasture, Games/play with pet 2 hours, Turnip, Carrot, Feed 12 lbs, Games/play with pet 9 hours, Stroke, Water, Bed in Pasture
1 year & 6 months: Groom, 30 minutes Pasture, Games/play with pet 2 hours, Feed 12 lbs, Games/play with pet 9 hours, Stroke, Water, Bed in Pasture
If you do not have a shower, I have found that if you feed an extra 2 pounds each day, then things tend to work out the same. Your horse will end up a bit fat though.. so be careful.
horse training routine, after games, must have nyx ...shower allows for even more training, and less box time...this also includes fountain from pri. if u dont have the fountain watch the energy, u will get a little less train time in each day...
groom, feed 20lbs n 1.1 lbs granules,1hr trot ride, box for 3hrs. 1hr trot ride,1 hr trot ride,1 hr trot ride,stroke,drink,carrot,turnip,1/2 hr trot ride,bed
1y 10m
groom,1 hr trot ride,feed 20lbs n 1.1 lbs granules,box 4hrs,1hr trot,1 hr trot, 1 hr trot, stroke,drink,carrot,turnip,1/2hr trot, bed
groom,lesson,turnip,feed 19lbs n 1.1 lbs granules, may fluctuate feed up to a max of 21lbs n 1.1lbs granules,box for 3hrs, 1hr trot 1hr trot 1 hr trot, stroke,drink, carrot, 30min to 1 hr speed train and 30 min drsg train if energy allows,bed, use this routine until all trot rides maxed out.
then groom, lesson,turnip feed 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules, box for 3 hrs, 5hrs gallop ride. stroke,drink,carrot,30 min spd train and 30min drsg train, depending on energy.bed, do this till all gallop rides maxed out.
then groom lesson turnip feed 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules, box 3hrs 5hrs uphill ride, stroke, drink, carrot, carrot, 30min drsg train, bed, do this till all uphill rides maxed out.
then, groom lesson,turnip feed the usual 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules box 3hrs, speed train5hrs, stroke drink carrot 30 min drsg train,bed
do this till all speed bar filled in
groom lesson turnip feed 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules,box 4hrs,51/2hrs gallop train,stroke,drink,,carrot 30min drsg train,bed. do this till all gallop train is complete
groom lesson turnip feed 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules, box 4hrs,6 1/2hrs trot train, stroke,drink, carrot,30 min drsg train,bed, do this till all trot training complete
groom lesson turnip feed, see above for amount, box 4hrs,7hrs drsg train, stroke,30 min drsg train,bed do this till all drsg train completed.
then, groom lesson turnip, box for 3 hrs, feed, see above for amount,play with pet for 30 mins, then do drsg comps till energy maxed out, do this each day till all drsg comps maxed out.
then do, groom,lesson, turnip feed only 20lbs, play with pet for 30 mins,then jmp comps till energy or time maxed out, do this until all jmp comps maxed out,
groom, lesson, turnip, feed, box 3 hrs, 6 1/2hrs jmp train, stroke,drink, carrott 30min jmp train, bed, till all jmp training done
then groom, lesson, turnip,box 3 hrs, feed 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules, then do cc comps till out of time or energy, bed. do this routine till all cc comps maxed out.
if u find u have more energy once all the above actions completed each day, use it if u can for more training, concentrating on the gallop, speed, trot n drsg bars first.
then groom lesson turnip feed 21lbs n 1.7 to 2.2 lbs granules, box 3hrs, 5 1/2hrs stamina train, stroke,drink, carrot, carrot, 30min stamina train. bed, do this till all stamina train is complete.
by now your horse is fully trained and if has wins all u need to do is age to ten yrs to be fully blupped and bolded.
hope this helps with your training