Well my friends I know it has been a long time since I've been on, 
the past few years have really been rough healthwise
just one thing after the other and the next thing worse than the 
previous, and this year I not only lost my mother but was going
through cancer at the same time. 
I've got a handle on it all now, so you'll be seeing a bit more often again. 
So sorry friends that I haven't been on my game
as much as usual ,  I just hit a real low this year
with all that has been going on and just kind went 
and hid under a rock ( so to speak).
Been through a tough year, and it's just been hard
to pull myself out of it. 
What I am thankful for is all the friends I have in this game
who have continued to send me congrats everyday
and little gifts, that I'm not even worthy of to receive.
It means alot to me, when I haven't even been here
to reciprocate it. 
From the bottom of my heart , thank you for caring
and keeping me as your friend.

I am back everyone, 
the Derecho didn't take us down
We will rebuild, we will replant.
We will endure.  

Loyal Protector , Guardian & faithful Companion.
7//03 -7/18/16

(l)_v1828806360.png(l)_v1828806360.png A piece of my heart is torn today (l)_v1828806360.png(l)_v1828806360.png
Flying high with the Angels my friend and Mentor
Courageous Warrior RIP.



Primary and secondary skills for Comps
Trot: Trot (dressage, speed)
Gallop: Gallop (dressage, speed)
Cross Country: Stamina ( dressage, jumping)
Show jumping: Jumping ( dressage, speed)
Dressage: Dressage (trot, gallop)


Barrel Racing: Speed ( gallop, stamina)
Western Pleasure: Trot (stamina,dressage)
Cutting: Stamina (speed, dressage)
Reining: Gallop ( dressage, stamina)
Trail Class: Dressage ( trot, jumping)

**Competition Information**

Trot - Trot, Speed, Dressage – Friesian, Purebred Spanish Horse, French Trotter
Gallop - Gallop, Speed, Dressage – Thoroughbred, Paint Horse, Welsh, Fjord, Appaloosa
Dressage - Dressage, Trot, Gallop –
Cross Country - Stamina, Dressage, Jumping – Akhal-Teke, Quarter Horse, Connemara, Donkey,
Show Jumping  - Jumping, Dressage, Speed – Shetland, Hanoverian, Gypsy Vanner, Shagya Arabian, Holsteiner,

Western Competitions
Barrel Racing – Speed, Stamina, Gallop - Mustang
Cutting – Stamina, Dressage, Speed - Arabian
Trail Class – Dressage, Trot, Jumping – Nokota, Knabstrupper
Reining – Gallop, Dressage, Stamina
Western Pleasure – Trot, Stamina, Dressage - Curly


Topaz Topaz Topaz Topaz Topaz

Frost Frost

Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos

photo 35f4a4dc-779b-43aa-8523-d6ec346c7b18.png >Rest in Peace my babies Sherkan and Nikki
