Best Brood Mare - Midnite Mystery
*Dam to Champion Mysterious Darkness; who is her most successful with earnings of 6.569 and 30 wins, 40 places & 35 shows in Dressage. He rarely does worse then 3rd in competitions. He has attempted Cross Country once, and has 1 win, 1 place and 2 Shows. He's also got a place and show in Show Jumping 
*Black Mystery is the youngest half-brother to Mysterious Darkness, and is Midnite Mystery's second most successful. He's had 12 wins, 12 places & 11 shows in Dressage with a earning of 1,965. 
*Cupid's Darkness, is the third oldest and the third most successful. He's had 6 wins, 7 places & 8 Shows. He is entered in competitions the least, but has shown a great amount of talent when entered. 
*The only mare, Midnite Ebony, is rarely entered in competitions. She's had 5 wins, 8 places and 5 shows with a earnings of 1,181