09-27-2012, my beloved cat, Smokey died today. She adopted me in 2002 as I walked around a city park in a little town in Mississippi. Out of all the people in the park that day she chose me. Smokey was already an adult so I am not sure how old she was when she came into my life and heart.  I was blessed to have her in my life for the past ten years. Good-bye Smokey, run free now at the Rainbow Bridge. Even  my German Shepherd Xena is mourning the passing of her little friend. 

I accept all friend requests. 
Hi, I am an adult player from North Carolina.   I have been playing the international version of Howrse for over 11 yearss. My login name is the same on both versions. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will try to help you.

 My name is Laura and I am a mother of five,  two girls and three sons. All five of my children are now young adults.My husband and I have been married for 43 years. 

I cannot remember a time when I haven't loved horses. When I was growing up I had a couple of aunts and uncles who had horses so I would go to their houses to ride.

If you would like to be friends just add me. I will also return all congratulations that I see that I have received.  If you congratulate me and I do not return it it is not that I am being rude it just means that I did not see it before it disappeared. If you want to PM me please do not use chat speak.  I will need one of my children to interpret it if you do.  Also if you are under 18 please get your parents permission before you add me as a friend or Pm me. If my children were still under 18 I would want them to have my permission so I want to be respectful of other parents knowing who their children are talking to on here.
Today (03/04/11) after all the chances to open HOPs and find a Divine, I finally got one! (And no he is not for sale at any price.)