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Hello, Welcome To My Page
I'm Seagirl5 but you can call me Sea. I love all animals so if you want to talk about them shoot me a Pm!
If you are interested in one of my horses or want to breed to one Pm me and we may be able to negotiate out a price. I have the right to deny you if I don't want to sell that horse.
Send me friend request I love to make new friends! I wont bite unless you push me to the point that I do.
My favorite breeds of horses is paint horses and gypsy vanners. They are just so majestic and beautiful! I have a dog called Shadow and he just love to have all the attention.
I just graduated from a career tech school in equine science. The class was amazing we got Ito spend half our day out in the barn learning about, caring for, and riding horses. I also play roblox my user on there is Sarahfina88.
Thank's For Visiting My Page! Bai!
Just some quotes I like:

Forget all the reasons that it won't work, and find the one reason that it will ~ Unknown

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm ~ Winston Churchill

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry show it you have a thousand reasons to smile ~ Unknown

They may laugh because you're different but you can laugh because they're all the same ~ Unknown

If you're reading this you're alive, do you really need a better reason to smile? ~ unknown

There are three choice you have in life; giving in, giving up, or giving it all you got ~ me

Pain is temporary, quiting is forever ~ Lance Armstrong

Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses ~ Elizabeth Taylor