Friend for pinata clicks and lottery tickets :)

Archimedes . Frost . Topaz . Xanthos

Welcome to Lasting Gaits

Teams, I would be interested in joining a team for marchadors, walkers, iceys, a pony, or a draft. Also looking for other NIB breeders.

Contests, If you are BLUP/FILL contests please name your horses accordingly. If I see someone trying to BLUP and I have fillers out I will help fill. I am looking for help filling as well PM me please if interested in working together!

Black Market Items, In need of PStones, PStrokes, CTimers, and AHeals.

I live in the United States and have several pet bunnies and two Missouri fox trotting horses. I also have an Icelandic mare that I ride. My avatar is of a gypsy cob stallion I use to ride, do not steal please the image is mine.

My Howrses

I mostly focus on gaited breeds such as the Icelandic, Tennessee Walking Horse, Curly, and the Mangalarga Marchador. I have small side projects with Morgans, quarter horses and thoroughbreds (appendix quarters).

Foundation studs, if you would like to use a foundie stud of mine PM me, for BLUPed foundations only. My unicorns are 7500e for BLUPed foundies only.

NIB horses, I enjoy breeding NIB horses as they present a challenge. I also like being able to look back at their lineage. It was a little bit of a hit when Howrse ended the 350 foundation generations and I quit playing for several years not returning until 2021. If you are a NIB breeder feel free to add me!

My Affixes

ʆɠ Unverified NIB: Horses with this affix have lineage that is not guaranteed. At some point a horse in the pedigree may become a 'disappeared horse'. Horses with this affix are only NIB until a horse becomes disappeared (if it does). I try not to use outside horses, but on occasion over the years it has happened. Most users I verify with, however, I will not guarantee a NIB unless all lineage is owned by me or a trusted 1000+ seniority player.

ʆɠ Curly Jim NIBs Curly Jim, a Missouri fox trotter the affix in named after.
ʆɠ Marcha Batida NIBs: This affix is named after the 'marcha batida' which is a specialty gait performed by the mangalarga marchador. The gait is comfortable and diagonal in nature.
ʆɠ Tölt NIBS: The tölt is a smooth four beat gait performed by the Icelandic horse.
ʆɠ TWHBEA NIBs: This affix offers purebred NIB Tennessee walking horses. These horses naturally perform a smooth running walk and are great trail mounts. Foundation mares and stallions of this breed will all be named after real life foundation Tennessee walkers and Missouri fox trotters.

ʆɠ Lasting Gaits is always in search of quality foundation horses!
Foundies I need: Tennessee Walking Horses, Curly Horses, Icelandics, Vanners, Morgans, and American Quarter Horses.


Looking for these coats, preferably on a gaited breed. TWH, morgan, Icelandic, or marchador.100092276-normal.png100164336-miniature.png100183261-miniature.jpg100150259-miniature.png100004994-miniature.png100013303-miniature.png100139380-miniature.png100099012-miniature.png100080274-miniature.png100099859-miniature.png100160772-miniature.png100097687-miniature.png100097687-miniature.png100369177-miniature.png100348717-miniature.png100189434-miniature.png100413306-miniature.png100227197-miniature.png

Looking for PRE or Lipizzaner horses with these coats.