Maybe I'll write more later (or I'll let this stagnate for years ... probably that), but basic stuff you might want to know (or not): I have 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs. I have a separate box for guinea pigs ... I might talk more about the dogs here. I am an adult female but not very serious about being adult. Ummm ... yeah, later. If you have anything specific you'd like to see me discuss, let me know ... I won't make any guarantees, but I might include it.

If I outbid you in an auction, it's highly probable that it was at the behest of an objective ... let me know if you were bidding on the horse for the horse rather than an objective ... I'll probably sell it to you.
The fuzzy little guinea pig acting as my avatar is Twix. She is 7 in that picture. Unfortunately, she has passed away. My current guinea pigs are a sable lunkarya with ruby eyes (her coat is dark, long, curly, and beautiful with a wooly tummy - I have my theories on the genetics, but I'm far from an expert) and a very spunky chocolate and white American.

My piggies eat Sweet Meadow food, for anyone who is curious. Sweet Meadow brand is very well liked, even by picky eaters, and they also sell great, long, soft hay. I used to feed Oxbow, which is a brand that was recommended by a small animal specialist years ago, and in my experience, Oxbow is nationally available and well liked by guinea pigs. I switched because Sweet Meadow is more convenient in my area; I recommend either food. They also get lettuce daily and slices of carrots, sweet peppers, and apples for treats. And hay, hay, hay galore!

We currently have a bumper crop of sweet peppers, so she is getting lots of those lately. For those uncertain of what I mean by "sweet pepper," it just means that they are not hot peppers; the classic example would be a bell pepper, but we aren't growing bell peppers. "Jimmy Nardello," "Yum-yum" (especially the orange one), and "Lunchbox" are probably the top of our list currently.
Varieties we've grown recently with excellent results include: "Tweety," "Yummy"/"Yum-yum," "Lunchbox," "Jimmy Nardello," "Cornito Giallo," "Big Daddy," and "PeppiGrande." We order most of our seeds online, but they might be available online pre-started, as well, if you're not that ambitious.
Our pepper plants generally continue to produce peppers late into November, though they have to be brought inside before the first frost.
I'm happy to share where I get my plants and seeds or discuss such things if you're interested ... just shoot me a message; the piggies don't bite.

I haven't entirely decided what I'm going to put in this box, but it was already there, so it got to stay. Maybe I'll make this for gardening, cooking, crocheting, or something like that ...

This presentation was made for me a while ago by a player on international (kitsune247), and I made a couple modifications to adjust box titles and such, but I didn't really want to make huge changes, so I may have more boxes than I really need.
For information on Loony Tunes and Testing Team affixes and corresponding teams, continue to the third section of this box.

I always game my horses fully, but I do not use a schedule, per se, I'd be happy to explain how I go about my games, but don't expect a complex schedule for each day of training broken down hour by hour. I don't find gaming to need that.
I find that blupping can be rather monotonous, and I am not generally a speed blupper; I can blup quickly if I need to (assuming I can get the competitions to run quickly enough to collect up wins in a timely manner). I rarely find the need for rushing, though, and generally run my breeding programs pretty casually.

If my horse is troubling yours in competitions, it's not personal ... and if you let me know, I can try to avoid it. Otherwise, I generally just indiscriminately enter whatever's on top of the list for however I have competitions sorted.

I've got a couple different endeavors going on currently, but I work on them all sporadically. At the moment, my primary project is my French Trotter unicorns ... I work on them as I can, using classic sibling and parent-child breeding, which has transitioned into a team format since I initially wrote this; we've usually got a few active generations at a time.
My naming scheme on these has evolved a few times through the generations, so if my names seem odd, well, they probably relate to one or both of the parental names somehow ... with varying levels of creativity on how I got there. I do try to have names and coats relate if possible, though it's not always possible. Loony Tunes unicorns are all named after song titles with the exception of a few early generations, where we used a combination theme of musical and avian themes.
Most of my horses spend the majority of the time collecting dust, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about them. I will offer coverings if you ask; I offer them sporadically otherwise. I don't sell much that wasn't bred for that purpose or bought due to an objective. You may ask to buy something, but I reserve the right to refuse, with or without justification.

Loony Bin is a team that started when I dragged Loon Watcher into my French Trotter unicorn craze. Then subsequently roped in Feather Strong and whisper walk. It's a casual team, and we're not actively looking for more members. Our affix is Loony Tunes, and yes, the spelling is intentional.
Testing Team is the companion team to Loony Bin; it houses the descendants of the Loony Tunes line whose mothers forgot their horns. If you are interest in purchasing a Testing Team foal, we are happy to sell you a high skilled foal. High GPs will be gelded. Please contact me or Loon Watcher with interest.
Interest in coverings for either team can also be directed to me or Loon Watcher. Please be aware we may not be able to offer coverings from the exact stallion you desire depending on GP of the stallion and mare. Testing Team does not have much in the way of stallions, as it is pretty much a byproduct of Loony Tunes; we will not bold or blup one just to breed with your mare(s).

That which is below this point is old and, therefore, may be out of date.
It is still here for ... I don't know, posterity, archival purposes, because I didn't feel like deleting it ... are you still even reading this deep in a presentation? Well, then I applaud your thoroughness.
Have a banana for your efforts.

I have been on various teams in the past, and I'm not opposed to being on other teams in the future; however, I do need to know the expectations, and I expect a unified group with a uniform goal. (The goal doesn't need to be ambitious or anything ... just not a free for all.) Oh, and it should probably be a breed and species I'm interested in ... sorry donkeys, you're not for me.
I am currently on two teams already, so I do have capacity for additional teams, as I do not carry that VIP perk on my game.

Speaking of donkeys ... I've got this goofy pair of foundie winged donkeys ... I bred them together for some objective ... if you want the foals or possibly even the jenny, let me know and we can talk price.

At some point, I'm going to make a horse into Amira, though I haven't gotten around to getting a decent enough horse that it would be worth my skilling. Like Spectra who became Altair, I probably won't buy a gelding, since I dislike getting horses that I can't use beyond that single horse. It will likely live it's pre-legendary life as a mare for my own breeding purposes, just as Spectra did. Though if she is any indicator, nothing much will happen in the long run ... I just hate losing a line of horses.