I AM LOOKING TO BULK BUY 100 DRAFT HORSES. AMOUNT OF COVERS ,HEALTH, AND AGE DOESNT MATTER. Will buy for 10p OR 25,000 each. Please place in Reserve and PM me.


I sell pre-made skillers for Rein Prix that runs on Wednesdays. They come fully loaded and finished, they place right after Customer list and before Direct Sales Placements, so watch for them in sales. Check Here** for Current skiller for sale, skiller is fully ready for Rein Prix 2/3 has all BMIs, gallop companion, trained 100% with no errors, and even Fala bonus.  If purchased please select a Golden Apple coat before entering! Should place 5th-7th place. Any questions on this please PM me. 

 **If Check here link is not active, I do not have a skiller for sale or it has sold!!

I am looking for the following coats, I am paying max passes allowed, 2,500. Please place in Reserved and PM me.