Effective 6/3/2018- I am more or less resigning from Howrse. I may return at some point but that has yet to be determined
Selling all my unicorns in the Uni Foals and Sales tab!
Interactive divine horses are nice!!
Topaz- 50 equus per congratulations or a diamond
Sales Information
Thank you for taking an interest in the purchase of my horses. The following offers some guideline to my horse sales. Please note that there are always exceptions to these so if there is a horse that you are interested in and you feel that you have a reasonable offer please message me and I will do my best to accommodate a successful sale.
All equus sales that are listed as negotiable does not mean for less equus. Less equus in NOT and equivalent offer.
If you do not like how I have priced my horses that's fine, please keep that to yourself. I allow you to play your game as you choose so please extend the same courtesy to me.