

This layout was made by the amazing conchshell12! Thank you!50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

Hello, my name is Bridget. I grew up in a military family and got the chance to travel through Europe. When I was 14 months, my father was stationed in a large American military base near the Germany-France border. Therefore, we got to live in Germany! We lived overseas for around 4 years until my father was stationed in a Georgia army base and my father has since retired due to health complications. While in Europe, I was able to visit over 14 countries and many cities including Paris, Rome, Heidelberg(I got to see Heidelberg Castle!) and many others. I do actually have German ancestry, so I am a fan of anything German. Go Deutschland! Back to my in-howrse world, I am a proud TB, Arab and unicorn breeder! Also, while I may not be a howrse original, I have been playing long enough to see the game change. And trust me, the game as has changed a lot. I mean, the economy crashed!(lol) Thoroughbred and Arabians are my two all-time favorite breeds, and my unicorns are my personal pride and joy. I do not own a horse of my own, but I take hunter/jumper lessons and show in IEA during the fall/winter seasons. In my free time not on howrse, I draw and paint horses in graphite, acrylic and watercolor. I hope to eventually start posting some of my work in my presentation. I am not a new player, I know my way around and I come here for enjoyment and relaxation. Please respect that.

 Needs an update

The majority of my sales are Unicorns. I sell unicorns for 1 pass each, unless they have a higher GP. My unifoals are negotiable sales and they sell for either 1 pass or 80k negotiable. The lowest I'll take is 55k. I am tired of offers like ''I'll buy your unifoal for the original price if you drop the pass''. A unifoal for 500e? Sorry, but that's not happening. I spent a lot of my real time working and breeding my unicorns and I spend a lot of equus so these low-ball offers will not be tolerated. Uni Studs and Old Team horses also go into the sales for 1 pass and I'll usually negotiate unless their GP is top in sales.

Old Higher Standards foals and blipped TBs generally go into the sales for 1 pass, and most are negotiable.

And no, my GAs, RCs, breeding unis, Team horses above public release and Divines are NOT for sale. Please do not message offers.

I am looking to start a Marwari Unicorn team when they are released. If you are interested, message me. 

 I am actively breeding unicorns of all the breeds under the affix Glen's Unicorns . I am always striving to increase the Genetic Potential of my herd and my unifoals that are released through the sales. I am on 5 official Unicorn teams. 

***To the Point***

To The Point French Trotter unicorns is currently the highest rated unicorn team on US Howrse. We always 100 Blup before breeding. Our members include Mustangs4Me, Gail, hartlovr123, glenlake, BlondeBunny246, -Tiffany, La Belle Fleur, parislove, wildcat101, BloodWolf, and Metallica91.

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Now an individual affix. The team was eliminated while I was gone and my top horses were used as the foundation of a new team. 


After the passing of our beloved team leader lady horse, the team has decided to stay together to continue bring you some of the best GV unis on US Howrse. Starting from two friends wanting to breed for fun, it quickly turned into a team of 19 blupping and breeding competitively. Our members include lady horse(RIP), ladyhauwke, PrincessLily, alisaur, glenlake, KidWindRCH, Lidia Kay, Princess Luna, silverbets, tattooswolf, Bret, goldenlily261, Ripper, Snuggles16, blackstallion22, Wild Arabian, stellachen268, miranda05, and kristiekitten1

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Update, this is my arab uni affix. Only arabs. **Its the #1 Arab Unicorn team now! Go check us out!

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The first on the US server, Grace of Royalty, proudly presents the top morgan unicorns since the release of the new unicorn breed! 

The Higher Standards family is proud to bring you the best Thoroughbreds on the US Howrse server!

~HS Gallop skillers are 900 passes each and all skiller orders go to hartlovr123.

Working with the  best bluppers and some of the nicest ladies on the US Howrse server is something I am grateful to say I do. If you have any questions about the team I would be happy to answer them or direct you to a HS Admin. We currently are not recruitin 

LOOKING FOR AN AP FARMER! - - - - - Message me for details!

Selling horses in bulk - - - message me for details! 

LOOKING FOR AN AP FARMER! - - - - - Message me for details!

Some requirements include 100 days of seniority and at least one reference. 

Selling horses in bulk - - - message me for details! d8183e948e6d05a3b3fc6e36a4b97d1a_v1582024785.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.png2491378d33154a96a2c9af449897f8b5_v1582024785.png