Looking to breed High Quality Arabians, Donkey, French trotter, Welsh, and Gypsy Vanner, but am open to all high quality horses!

I've got two nice studs right now, please ask for breeding and I'd be happy to give a nice rate.

I'm also dabbling in unicorns, and would love to breed with people, I've got several studs, and three mares. 

I would like to thank NinjaraPhael for blupping and selling me Truly! He's prefect!

A bit about my horse life:

I've worked with horse seriously for about 8 years now, I've been around them my whole life, Arabians are my favorite breed since they're so personal, but I go off of personality rather than breed. I own two but I currently ride 5, and have a youngster who I do ground work with so I work 6.

My profile pic is 1 of my two horses, that's my 16yo QH Romeo who is my heart horse, I showed him for a long time before I recently leased him out to a little girl with horse PTSD who he is helping recover, and they are doing marvelous!

My second horse is a half-Arabian, he's a national show horse(saddlebred/Arabian) who is the love of my life. He is 1.5yo(7/21/18) and was born in my lap. I trained his mother throughout her pregnancy, and I'm training him now. I do show on the national level with him and he's a 4 time national champion in Pinto, Sport horse, and Arabian showing. I'm hoping to take him further and do more riding classes.

On a personal note, I work as a vet tech, and have a corgi, clumber spaniel, two rescue cats, two rescue ferrets, and two betta fish!

Feel free to friend me, I'll accept any.

Updated: 3/23/2020