Hi and welcome to my page.

Hello!! My name is Brianne and I am one of many adult players on Howrse. If you are a minor, please get your parent's permission before pming me. I currently do not own any horses of my own but I wish I did. I love to watch horses in action/motion, they are so graceful and majestic. I love all horses but my favorites are Paints, Appaloosas and Quarter Horses. I have 7 dogs (Fly, PeeWee, Streak, Lucky, Music, Rowdy and Zoe) and 3 cat (Socks, Fuzz and Scooter(RIP Buttons)).
I am an avid collector of horse figurines, actually I collect just about anything that has a horse on it
. I also love unicorns and pegasus as well. I have now started a collection from the "Trail of Painted Ponies" series, they are beautifully painted with anything from indians to christmas decorations on them.