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Welcome to my page.

I just love, love horsese7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png?1828806360
I "borrowed" this from someone's page8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png?1828806360 and I think is very useful information:

Listed below are Xanthos Divine horses. Click on the link and stroke the horse for a chance to win a Horn of Plenty and 1,000 equus which would be received the next day. The first Xanthos you stroke will award your youngest horse 10% energy. Five can be stroked each day:
Xanthos 1, Xanthos 2, Xanthos 3, Xanthos 4, Xanthos 5.
Listed below are Topaz Divine horses. Click on the link and congratulate the horse for either 50 equus or a diamond. Five can be congratulated each day:

Topaz 1, Topaz 2, Topaz 3, Topaz 4, Topaz 5,

Listed below is a Frost Divine horse. Click on the link and defrost the horse for a chance to win a Hypnos Blanket. Also, at the start of each month, a Frost will be given to someone who stroked a Frost. Only one can be defrosted each day:


Topaz!: TopazTopaz ! Topaz ! Topaz ! Topaz
Xanthos!: Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos 
Frost!: Frost !

You might win a Vintage Apple UFO if you visit these Administrators:

Foal games without  shower:
 8m: Groom / drink / 2 hr. play / carrot /feed / 6 hr. play / stroke/ bed

10m: Groom / drink / 2 hrs. play / carrot / feed  / 7 hours play / stroke/ bed
1 year: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed/ 8 hr. play / stroke/ bed
1 yr. 2 m: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 9 hr. play / stroke/ bed
1 yr. 4 m: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 10 hr. play / stroke/bed

Have a nice game and thanks for visiting!935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?1828806360