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My Horses

Display of Horses

Usually I have a pegasus account where you can access my horses more easily, but the main categories are usually GA's, Skillers and Fillers, and Unicorns. I focus mainly on breeding and collecting GA coats. 


I breed skillers and if they are mine, they are under the tab "Spectacular Skillers" or the affix with the same name. I train them myself and when they are ready to be sold they usually go for 500 and 1-3 passes or 50-100K. I breed mostly thoroughbreds but I am now expanding to Tekes, Trotters, and Arabians. I breed these horses to have high GP and once they have skill they sell for those amounts. Let me know if you are interested in helping out the process in any way, or are interested in buying some of my horses. 


I used to have a club for breeding Gypsy-Vanner unicorns, but most of the members have retired since then. I still breed them, but focus primarily on the other breeds. I have about 5-6 GV unicorns at this time, and I'm working on expanding my Unicorn collection. If anyone has any questions about breeding/covering with my unicorns I usually do it at 500 (for males) so PM me if you are interested. 

Prices for Horses/Selling

My main rule for buying/selling is to be reasonable. I am always up to negotiations both ways, so always PM me if you have any questions. If you want to buy a horse in my sales, I will except one pass for every 70K taken off from the original price of the horse. I will not except one pass in place of 200K, please keep your offers reasonable and I'll do the same. 

Unicorns- 90k or one pass

GA Coats- 85k or one pass

5th Element Unicorns- 6 passes

5th Element Winged Unicorns- 7 passes or 700k

GA unicorns- 2 passes or 100k

Retried Coat Unicorns- 4 passes or 200k

Prices for Horses/Buying

 Sometimes I need regular horses (no BMI's) and I buy them in package deals. So just in case I buy them for 1000 Equus each and in deals up to 100 horses. (100K) 

GA Coats- 45k

Retired Coat- 80k

F Uni's- 55k

5th Element Unicorns- 100k or 1-4 passes (depends on which one) 

BW Pumpkin horses- PM me (depends on which) 

My game

About Me

Welcome to my page! I love howrse and have been a member on here for about six years. I've played on previous accounts and still love it. I ride in the summer, mostly western/semi-western and enjoy horses even in real life. I play sports as well and love the outdoors. On this website I mostly focus on breeding and collecting special coats. In the future I hope to become more competition based but as of now it's breeding. 

Buying/Selling BMI's

Usually I buy black market items for passes, but sometimes instead I focus on the item exchange and use Equus. One pass is the equivalent of 45K in the item exchange, so something that is usually one pass, will be 45,000 Equus. 


You can always message me if you have any questions about anything, even just to talk about the game. I accept most friend requests unless you have prior history of bullying/harassing other players. Usually if you have any non-game questions I won't answer, so please keep it related to Howrse! But on here I am available to answer any questions you might have!

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