Now this is freaky... DO NOT CHEAT!! ( Or you will kick yourself later) I was a little skeptical trying this, but if you follow the instructions to the end you'll be surprised!!!!
All of my answers were accurate. Takes lie 3 minutes and try this... it will freak you out! BUT NO CHEATING!!! This game has a funny/spooky outcome.
Don't read ahead...just do it in order! It's worth a try :p
First..get a pen and paper. When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.
Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!
1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.
2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of boys if your a girl and the opposite if your a boy.
4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots.
5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.
6. Finally, make a wish.
And now the key for the game.....
1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.
2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.
3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.
4. You care most about the person you put in 4
5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.
6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.
8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.
9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life
1. What can run but never walk, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never thinks, has a bed but never sleeps. ( not to confuse you, but some might say it can think...)
2.I give you a group of three. One is sitting down, and will never get up. The second eats as much as it is given but never gets full. The third goes away and never come back.
3. When Bob was six years old he hammered a nail on to a tree to mark his height. Ten years later at age sixteen, Bob returned to see how much higher the nail would be. If the tree grew by one foot a year, how much higher would the nail be?
I was and still am the girl that doesn't go to school dances, or games, and when I do go, I sit in a corner and read a book. I am the girl that people look through when I say something. I am the girl that spends most of her free time reading, writing, or doing other activities that most teenagers wouldn't call normal. I am the girl that people call weird and a freak either behind my back or to my face. I am the girl that doesn't spend all her time on Facebook, or talking to a girlfriend on a cell phone. I am the girl that has stopped to smell the flowers and jump and splash in the rain. BUT I am also the girl who knows and is proud to be who she is, doesn't care if people call her weird (it's a compliment), who loves reading and doing the things that no one seems to have the time to do any more, who can express herself better with words than actions, who doesn't need a guy to complete her and knows the importance of the little things. 93% of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're a part of the 7% who would ask the person: "What was your first clue?” Copy this onto your profile.
I will accept random friend requests, but I'm not the most avid howrser so it's not like I have a super high ranking but if you want to, I'd love that! I'll try to return all congrats, but if I miss you by accident, don't take it personally
1. own a unicorn:check
2. own a golden apple horse:check ( thanks to my awesome friends.)
3. have over 30,000 e:check
4. own a divine
If you want to help in any way, shape or form I'd appreciate that!
Go to DREAMER1127's page to win a unicorn!
are like apples
on trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree,
but the boys don't want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who's
brave enough to
climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree