Just found out James Drury, The Virginian, died yesterday 4/6/2020. RIP, and Thank you for the hours of entertainment you provided over the years.        

I have been into horses since I was a  little girl. Loved all the westerns on T. V. My all time favorite western is The Virginian, starring James Drury. My favorite cowboy on the show was the foreman.  I have a Beagle mix named Sami, she is a real cut-up, she makes me laugh all the time...   Sadly my baby girl aka Sami, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 30. this year.  RIP Baby girl,,  I miss you.4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79_v1582024785.png

  My favorite breed is the Arabian, but I really like horses with un-usual color.                    Nice meeting you,    :D.png?2094572599  

Happy Howrsing. :)_v1828806360.png    This last April 21, my half Arab gelding Crossed the Rainbow Bridge..  Run free Nester..  4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79_v1582022760.png


 Hope every one is having fun.