1 - Create and manage1.1 - General information1.2 - Location1.3 - Store1.4 - Box1.5 - Meadows1.6 - Workshops2 - Prosperity2.1 - Boarders2.2 - Benefits2.3 - Enhancements2.4 - Missions2.5 - Competitions2.6 - Employees3 - Reputation3.1 - Page3.2 - Prestige3.3 - Rankings3.4 - Rosettes
2.2 - Benefits for boardersYou can make various equipment and food products available to your boarders from your equestrian center's administration page.When you make one of these items available, your boarders can freely take them from your inventory throughout their entire boarding duration.In order to make an item available to your boarders, you must have a sufficient amount of it in your inventory, based on the number of boxes, always making sure there is enough of it in stock. The minimum quantity needed for each item is indicated on your administration page.ItemQuantity required per boxSaddle1Bridle1Saddle blanket1Ear Bonnet1Polo Wraps1Carrot15Mash15Fodder150Oats75Also, in order for an item to appear in the lists of advantages on the equestrian center registration page, you need to have twice the required quantity in your inventory.