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Scorpio is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
If you were born under this sign, Scorpio will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the November 22, when the daily update takes place, a Scorpio horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Scorpio cannot be sold.
You can increase his skills by using your Passes.
See a list of everyone who owns Scorpio
Sagittarius is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
She can breed with Scorpio to give birth to Capricorn.
If you were born under this sign, Sagittarius will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the December 21, when the daily update takes place, a Sagittarius horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Sagittarius cannot be sold.
You can increase her skills by using your Passes.
See a list of everyone who owns Sagittarius
Capricorn is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
He is the son of Sagittarius and Scorpio.
If you were born under this sign, Capricorn will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the January 19, when the daily update takes place, a Capricorn horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Capricorn cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Capricorn
Aquarius is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
Aquarius will give you a present on the first Saturday of every month (after the daily update), provided you have logged in at least once over the previous 3 days: 1 x Aphrodite's Tears
If you were born under this sign, Aquarius will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the February 19, when the daily update takes place, a Aquarius horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Aquarius cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Aquarius
Pisces is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
She can breed with Aquarius to give birth to Aries.
If you were born under this sign, Pisces will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the March 20, when the daily update takes place, a Pisces horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Pisces cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Pisces
Aries is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
He is the son of Pisces and Aquarius.
If you were born under this sign, Aries will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the April 19, when the daily update takes place, a Aries horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Aries cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Aries
Taurus is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
Each day, when waking up, there is a chance they will find 1 x Zeus' Lightning Bolt.
If you were born under this sign, Taurus will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the May 21, when the daily update takes place, a Taurus horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Taurus cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Taurus
Gemini is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
There are 2 Gemini horses. If you have both, they will give you a present on the 11th of every month (after the daily update), provided you have logged in at least once over the previous 3 days: 1 x Fertility Wand
If you were born under this sign, and you have both versions of Gemini, the horse will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the June 21, when the daily update takes place, both versions of Gemini horses are offered to a player native of this sign.
Gemini cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Gemini
Cancer is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
She can breed with Gemini to give birth to Leo.
If you were born under this sign, Cancer will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the July 22, when the daily update takes place, a Cancer horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Cancer cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Cancer
Leo is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
He is the son of Cancer and Gemini.
If you were born under this sign, Leo will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the August 22, when the daily update takes place, a Leo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Leo cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Leo
Virgo is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
Virgo gives you one gift every Wednesday (after the daily update), provided you logged in at least once over the previous 3 days and have an equestrian center: a 3-day contract for one of the employees from your equestrian center.
If you were born under this sign, Virgo will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the September 22, when the daily update takes place, a Virgo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Virgo cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Virgo
Libra is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
Libra will give you a present on the 7th of every month (after the daily update), provided you have logged in at least once over the previous 3 days: 1 x Medusa's Blood
If you were born under this sign, Libra will give you 1 x 5th Element every year on your birthday, if you log in on that day (based on the site's update time).
What's more, the October 22, when the daily update takes place, a Libra horse is offered to a player native of this sign.
Libra cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Libra
Serpentarius is one of the horses of the Zodiac.
When he wins his very first competition, Serpentarius offers you 1 x Special 5th Element that allows you to customize a horse with the 5th Element coat of your choice.
You will receive Serpentarius when you have bred all the other divine horses of the Zodiac. You cannot breed more than one of Serpentarius.
Serpentarius cannot be sold.
See a list of everyone who owns Serpentarius