
Seniority: 3,934 daysGeneral ranking: 12ᵗʰ
Registration date: 03/18/2013Number of horses: 12969
Last visit: 03/28/2025Reserve: 769,523 equus
Karma: 10 points
sales in progress

Sales in progress

HorsePriceType of sale
Automated…70 70 passesDirect
IR Yellow70 70 passesDirect
7001.1670 70 passesDirect
Blue70 70 passesDirect
Red70 70 passesDirect


ethereal has been congratulated 13,892 times in all, most recently by:

20Montego697 hours ago
maggiesfarm17 hours ago
Shamu7771 day ago
~Doll~1 day ago
Moonshinemare2 days ago
favorite horses

Favorite horses

equestrian center

Equestrian center

ethereal manages the equestrian center Half Moon Cay.

  • Prestige:
  • Number of places: 1,121
  • Number of remaining places: 311
customized ufos

Customized UFOs

Sweet Coco Blissploutos' parchment 03/24/2025
MaryBreezyploutos' parchment 03/18/2025
~Doll~ploutos' parchment 03/14/2025
~Doll~ploutos' parchment 03/13/2025
Black_Fireploutos' parchment 03/04/2025


OfferSearch Time
morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms golden fleece golden fleece 1 day
morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms titan's challenge titan's challenge 1 day
zeus' lightning bolt horn of plenty horn of plenty 1 day
zeus' lightning bolt horn of plenty horn of plenty horn of plenty 1 day
hera's pack golden fleece 1 day

The horses belonging to ethereal

Select a tab to see the horses!