Noella's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 1, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4547 | -1 | Mantis | 182,091 | ||||
4548 | -1 | missflirt4 | 181,898 | ||||
4549 | -1 | Jessica Baldwin | 181,883 | ||||
4550 | -1 | rodeoperson | 181,863 | ||||
4551 | -1 | Blaze | 181,862 | ||||
4552 | -1 | Seakko | 181,830 | ||||
4553 | -1 | swankymuffin | 181,713 | ||||
4554 | +329 | Swiftie | 181,686 | ||||
4555 | -2 | CrimsonLizzard | 181,619 | ||||
4556 | -2 | Noella | 181,374 | ||||
4557 | -2 | Valeria_92 | 181,371 | ||||
4558 | -2 | gobostatos | 181,198 | ||||
4559 | -1 | Eresma68 | 181,101 | ||||
4560 | -1 | gracielu23 | 181,074 | ||||
4561 | -1 | SpiritsGirl | 180,956 | ||||
4562 | -1 | Ajhaile | 180,945 | ||||
4563 | -1 | jborrelli | 180,906 | ||||
4564 | -1 | RexXx | 180,879 | ||||
4565 | -1 | larn.asf | 180,753 | ||||
4566 | -1 | wildebeast | 180,732 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3430 | -1 | Macym | 51 | ||||
3431 | +81 | Lilly72412 | 51 | ||||
3432 | -2 | BlueBane | 51 | ||||
3433 | -2 | Katalia23 | 51 | ||||
3434 | -2 | Madcryz | 51 | ||||
3435 | -2 | Spirit | 51 | ||||
3436 | -2 | TorturedAngel | 50 | ||||
3437 | -2 | Symphany07 | 50 | ||||
3438 | -2 | Vivianka | 50 | ||||
3439 | -2 | Noella | 50 | ||||
3440 | -2 | Cookie_Cake | 50 | ||||
3441 | -2 | HarvestMoonFarm7 | 50 | ||||
3442 | -2 | Cmase09 | 50 | ||||
3443 | -2 | grandprixgirlie | 50 | ||||
3444 | -2 | The Collector | 50 | ||||
3445 | +84 | chaospixie | 50 | ||||
3446 | -3 | GoldenRoseRanch | 50 | ||||
3447 | -3 | tmackh | 50 | ||||
3448 | -3 | ZackVamaris | 50 | ||||
3449 | -3 | ᴊɪɴx | 50 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1853 | +1 | barreljump | 2,057,805 | ||||
1854 | -2 | Heart of Razz | 2,056,437 | ||||
1855 | -2 | Indy77 | 2,055,888 | ||||
1856 | -1 | KyllieWolf | 2,053,835 | ||||
1857 | -1 | husky12 | 2,050,744 | ||||
1858 | +8 | haleylynnrk | 2,050,725 | ||||
1859 | -2 | mtcap | 2,049,653 | ||||
1860 | -2 | pixie356 | 2,049,265 | ||||
1861 | -2 | ilovesoley | 2,048,817 | ||||
1862 | -1 | Noella | 2,047,466 | ||||
1863 | -3 | Jersey11 | 2,047,139 | ||||
1864 | -1 | Okara | 2,045,345 | ||||
1865 | -3 | EQuestrianSass15 | 2,040,991 | ||||
1866 | -1 | valkyrievalerie | 2,040,342 | ||||
1867 | = | SingFreely | 2,037,924 | ||||
1868 | +26 | Tumultuous | 2,037,198 | ||||
1869 | -1 | Valdarea | 2,033,322 | ||||
1870 | = | Limenea | 2,031,491 | ||||
1871 | = | Kaysie Einsig | 2,031,235 | ||||
1872 | = | Diana Bednarik | 2,031,012 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1773 | +2 | RED_Flower | 794 | ||||
1774 | = | 6snowy | 793 | ||||
1775 | +1 | Pinto1850 | 792 | ||||
1776 | +1 | Whiskey | 792 | ||||
1777 | +1 | Minxy78 | 792 | ||||
1778 | +3 | Kswildflwower | 791 | ||||
1779 | +3 | Sunshine24 | 790 | ||||
1780 | -1 | HorseLover9846 | 790 | ||||
1781 | -1 | HorseHorse333 | 790 | ||||
1782 | +1 | Noella | 789 | ||||
1783 | +1 | Broken Angel | 789 | ||||
1784 | +1 | Bella's Stable | 789 | ||||
1785 | +1 | Immortals | 788 | ||||
1786 | +1 | GlitterEnthusiast | 787 | ||||
1787 | +1 | Littlekaylee | 787 | ||||
1788 | +1 | amy.d.luca | 787 | ||||
1789 | +1 | Clever | 786 | ||||
1790 | +1 | crazihorse | 786 | ||||
1791 | +1 | Abigail | 786 | ||||
1792 | +1 | Ballistic | 786 |