Shaz's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 20, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
6139 | -7 | yadallamadragon | 88,852 | ||||
6140 | -7 | Kallusion | 88,838 | ||||
6141 | -7 | ansbuchanan | 88,713 | ||||
6142 | -7 | beckyditzy2024 | 88,673 | ||||
6143 | -7 | speXum | 88,624 | ||||
6144 | -7 | Birch Heart | 88,572 | ||||
6145 | -7 | ImATotalFunGi | 88,500 | ||||
6146 | -7 | Jasmine28 | 88,435 | ||||
6147 | -7 | Nadine 38 | 88,429 | ||||
6148 | -7 | Shaz | 88,343 | ||||
6149 | -7 | sleepyDandy | 88,322 | ||||
6150 | -7 | olive99 | 88,312 | ||||
6151 | -7 | saturn | 88,226 | ||||
6152 | -5 | Autokinetic | 88,180 | ||||
6153 | -5 | CosplayLuv | 88,170 | ||||
6154 | -5 | mkayhopkins | 88,051 | ||||
6155 | -5 | blacklace | 88,044 | ||||
6156 | -5 | Lacie2340 | 88,027 | ||||
6157 | -5 | ServiceDog | 87,943 | ||||
6158 | -5 | Birdy | 87,720 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3472 | = | ᴊɪɴx | 50 | ||||
3473 | = | StephanieBBL | 50 | ||||
3474 | = | aggie | 50 | ||||
3475 | = | firepony | 50 | ||||
3476 | = | TheLittleRedPanda | 50 | ||||
3477 | = | Quigley12 | 50 | ||||
3478 | = | Dyamond | 50 | ||||
3479 | = | mnemaxath03 | 50 | ||||
3480 | = | BashBear | 50 | ||||
3481 | = | Shaz | 50 | ||||
3482 | = | Xandra | 50 | ||||
3483 | = | chassy sassy | 50 | ||||
3484 | = | sassyvans | 50 | ||||
3485 | = | MommaBear | 50 | ||||
3486 | = | Snow Wolf | 50 | ||||
3487 | = | ruthy | 50 | ||||
3488 | = | AngelRose | 50 | ||||
3489 | = | Kat.95 | 50 | ||||
3490 | = | AriellaMarzaa | 50 | ||||
3491 | = | jumphighforfun | 50 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
588 | +1 | stirk | 9,853,144 | ||||
589 | -1 | ravenswood1264 | 9,847,239 | ||||
590 | = | SpecialEndeavor | 9,837,125 | ||||
591 | +1 | Overohorse | 9,784,696 | ||||
592 | -1 | annavoit222 | 9,777,440 | ||||
593 | +1 | TheAPULS | 9,696,096 | ||||
594 | +2 | Loon Watcher | 9,647,486 | ||||
595 | = | carolionb2 | 9,638,228 | ||||
596 | +1 | coyohti | 9,591,335 | ||||
597 | +1 | Shaz | 9,560,449 | ||||
598 | +1 | Ladybug73 | 9,533,576 | ||||
599 | +1 | bri2009 | 9,523,303 | ||||
600 | +1 | Bigsky98 | 9,509,493 | ||||
601 | +1 | Sahara Paints | 9,505,799 | ||||
602 | +2 | wolf116 | 9,502,657 | ||||
603 | = | Snowtiger | 9,470,973 | ||||
604 | +2 | niana | 9,452,876 | ||||
605 | = | Bama09 | 9,452,756 | ||||
606 | +1 | goose | 9,448,419 | ||||
607 | +1 | eaglefalcon | 9,440,941 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1503 | = | Halnos | 979 | ||||
1504 | = | nabu21 | 979 | ||||
1505 | +1 | Boots N Bridles | 978 | ||||
1506 | -1 | luv1773 | 977 | ||||
1507 | = | unythewonie | 977 | ||||
1508 | = | ~5 Star Breeding~ | 975 | ||||
1509 | +2 | jcalpacagirl24 | 973 | ||||
1510 | -1 | katie107waston | 972 | ||||
1511 | -1 | Fall Out Boy | 972 | ||||
1512 | = | Shaz | 971 | ||||
1513 | = | Murly | 970 | ||||
1514 | = | Elderwood | 970 | ||||
1515 | = | TwilightArabian | 970 | ||||
1516 | = | Kate16 | 969 | ||||
1517 | = | Shadowmere117 | 968 | ||||
1518 | = | Sababa16 | 967 | ||||
1519 | = | samoo | 967 | ||||
1520 | = | ArabianDayz | 967 | ||||
1521 | = | Pixie1k | 967 | ||||
1522 | = | yummycherryblosum | 965 |