TorturedAngel's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 1, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4572 | -1 | dutchjulia | 180,528 | ||||
4573 | -1 | LMO0311 | 180,527 | ||||
4574 | -1 | Emmalou787 | 180,472 | ||||
4575 | -1 | Alia | 180,471 | ||||
4576 | -1 | twentytwo | 180,434 | ||||
4577 | -1 | DashinBye | 180,409 | ||||
4578 | -1 | HorseLoverIam | 180,382 | ||||
4579 | -1 | Serah216 | 180,365 | ||||
4580 | = | Hufflepuff12 | 180,223 | ||||
4581 | = | TorturedAngel | 180,183 | ||||
4582 | = | SnowFilly5248 | 180,150 | ||||
4583 | = | ~Empress~ | 180,086 | ||||
4584 | = | FiNCH | 180,075 | ||||
4585 | = | Flirtation | 180,044 | ||||
4586 | = | Beowulf2 | 180,015 | ||||
4587 | +177 | Addi_241 | 179,987 | ||||
4588 | -1 | jewels2259 | 179,966 | ||||
4589 | -1 | sunofokkusu | 179,966 | ||||
4590 | -1 | lisapeters736 | 179,858 | ||||
4591 | -1 | Flapple | 179,857 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3427 | -1 | mandapanda226 | 51 | ||||
3428 | -1 | sammie387 | 51 | ||||
3429 | -1 | KorpseKorvid | 51 | ||||
3430 | -1 | Macym | 51 | ||||
3431 | +81 | Lilly72412 | 51 | ||||
3432 | -2 | BlueBane | 51 | ||||
3433 | -2 | Katalia23 | 51 | ||||
3434 | -2 | Madcryz | 51 | ||||
3435 | -2 | Spirit | 51 | ||||
3436 | -2 | TorturedAngel | 50 | ||||
3437 | -2 | Symphany07 | 50 | ||||
3438 | -2 | Vivianka | 50 | ||||
3439 | -2 | Noella | 50 | ||||
3440 | -2 | Cookie_Cake | 50 | ||||
3441 | -2 | HarvestMoonFarm7 | 50 | ||||
3442 | -2 | Cmase09 | 50 | ||||
3443 | -2 | grandprixgirlie | 50 | ||||
3444 | -2 | The Collector | 50 | ||||
3445 | +84 | chaospixie | 50 | ||||
3446 | -3 | GoldenRoseRanch | 50 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7167 | -4 | Codasana | 59,829 | ||||
7168 | -3 | SongBird | 59,812 | ||||
7169 | -5 | crimson | 59,784 | ||||
7170 | -4 | emma:) | 59,730 | ||||
7171 | -4 | sruth | 59,718 | ||||
7172 | -4 | Hammymom217 | 59,674 | ||||
7173 | -4 | annapark | 59,657 | ||||
7174 | -4 | Emmadragon | 59,650 | ||||
7175 | -3 | Oshin | 59,602 | ||||
7176 | -3 | TorturedAngel | 59,599 | ||||
7177 | -3 | Desiraes11 | 59,595 | ||||
7178 | -3 | monkeysuncle | 59,562 | ||||
7179 | -3 | RiverRunOTTB | 59,534 | ||||
7180 | -3 | Nobody | 59,520 | ||||
7181 | +395 | fairykaylee18 | 59,518 | ||||
7182 | -3 | TravelingS | 59,435 | ||||
7183 | -3 | KaydenceCooper | 59,426 | ||||
7184 | -3 | Finge | 59,415 | ||||
7185 | -3 | Syreal | 59,410 | ||||
7186 | -35 | GrimBunny | 59,400 |
Player | Days | ||||||
3135 | +1 | VeronicaCain | 307 | ||||
3136 | +6 | halloweenpony | 307 | ||||
3137 | = | fireybubbles | 306 | ||||
3138 | = | Sparkle Girl | 306 | ||||
3139 | = | Sparrow124 | 306 | ||||
3140 | = | Ashlynn02 | 306 | ||||
3141 | = | Death85e | 306 | ||||
3142 | +1 | Subbie | 306 | ||||
3143 | +4 | etheree | 306 | ||||
3144 | = | TorturedAngel | 305 | ||||
3145 | = | Echoluvpup | 305 | ||||
3146 | = | knighted | 305 | ||||
3147 | +1 | oceanpal | 304 | ||||
3148 | +1 | TheAngelOfDeath666 | 304 | ||||
3149 | +1 | ussktb | 304 | ||||
3150 | +1 | annabel123 | 304 | ||||
3151 | +6 | cck121za | 304 | ||||
3152 | = | Morning Dew | 303 | ||||
3153 | = | Panic | 303 | ||||
3154 | = | Western Horse | 303 |