Starling512's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 11, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4531 | +3 | KitLikesHorses | 183,879 | ||||
4532 | +3 | NimoenGeerlove! | 183,825 | ||||
4533 | +3 | Rockhorseeli | 183,782 | ||||
4534 | +3 | darkpony12 | 183,763 | ||||
4535 | +3 | mw1509horse | 183,761 | ||||
4536 | +4 | Tafficat13 | 183,640 | ||||
4537 | +4 | Natasha | 183,587 | ||||
4538 | +4 | leviackerman1997 | 183,530 | ||||
4539 | +5 | Frogert | 183,225 | ||||
4540 | +5 | Starling512 | 183,021 | ||||
4541 | +5 | SébastianStan | 183,018 | ||||
4542 | +5 | schleichhorselover | 183,003 | ||||
4543 | +5 | scarlet | 182,994 | ||||
4544 | +5 | HorseLover 123 | 182,962 | ||||
4545 | +5 | Tamepony500 | 182,774 | ||||
4546 | -3 | LittleFox77 | 182,771 | ||||
4547 | +4 | just-a-player | 182,767 | ||||
4548 | +4 | GreenFrog1 | 182,762 | ||||
4549 | +4 | HowrseGirl | 182,661 | ||||
4550 | +4 | Daybreak | 182,635 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3772 | -1 | horseloverks | 47 | ||||
3773 | -1 | Beccaboo321 | 47 | ||||
3774 | -1 | yyyyyyyyyyy | 47 | ||||
3775 | -1 | duststorm132 | 47 | ||||
3776 | -1 | Maddest_Hatt | 47 | ||||
3777 | -1 | sheynkayt | 47 | ||||
3778 | -1 | Lee_Haw | 47 | ||||
3779 | -1 | Howl | 47 | ||||
3780 | -1 | Pine Performance | 47 | ||||
3781 | -1 | Starling512 | 47 | ||||
3782 | -1 | AccaliaPendragon | 47 | ||||
3783 | -1 | sarahorselover123 | 47 | ||||
3784 | -1 | MeadeCo | 47 | ||||
3785 | -1 | devil | 47 | ||||
3786 | -1 | LyndeeT | 47 | ||||
3787 | -1 | RAMR | 47 | ||||
3788 | -1 | Admara | 47 | ||||
3789 | -1 | Sunflower008 | 47 | ||||
3790 | -1 | Marley276 | 47 | ||||
3791 | -1 | dunkie | 47 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1973 | +7 | EvaF | 1,864,140 | ||||
1974 | +7 | Vanessa Turner | 1,863,570 | ||||
1975 | +7 | Greta1234 | 1,863,461 | ||||
1976 | +7 | SilentHillFreak | 1,860,580 | ||||
1977 | +8 | rustyjames | 1,860,464 | ||||
1978 | +6 | saphirelion | 1,859,707 | ||||
1979 | +9 | millay | 1,853,446 | ||||
1980 | +6 | tempest | 1,853,299 | ||||
1981 | +6 | tourmalily | 1,853,154 | ||||
1982 | +7 | Starling512 | 1,851,337 | ||||
1983 | +7 | Princisstay | 1,848,975 | ||||
1984 | +8 | SilverSummer | 1,847,041 | ||||
1985 | +6 | Flurp | 1,846,889 | ||||
1986 | +7 | Midnight18 | 1,846,023 | ||||
1987 | +16 | Zaffe | 1,845,302 | ||||
1988 | +7 | Kswildflwower | 1,844,622 | ||||
1989 | +7 | Dreamcatcher | 1,843,640 | ||||
1990 | +8 | extrawaffles | 1,843,594 | ||||
1991 | +6 | Chocolate Lover | 1,843,540 | ||||
1992 | +7 | DarkFire | 1,842,225 |
Player | Days | ||||||
3031 | = | США | 332 | ||||
3032 | = | The Collector | 332 | ||||
3033 | = | Rising Blue | 332 | ||||
3034 | = | Aki24 | 332 | ||||
3035 | = | poundinghooves | 332 | ||||
3036 | = | gracyngreen | 331 | ||||
3037 | = | Cmase09 | 331 | ||||
3038 | = | WeberHills | 331 | ||||
3039 | = | Kogasha | 330 | ||||
3040 | = | Starling512 | 330 | ||||
3041 | = | izzy124 | 329 | ||||
3042 | = | gazing_Dreamer | 328 | ||||
3043 | = | __Grimm__ | 328 | ||||
3044 | = | helveticat | 328 | ||||
3045 | = | rocketterose | 327 | ||||
3046 | = | NorthTucker | 327 | ||||
3047 | = | Hermanita | 327 | ||||
3048 | = | MommaBear | 326 | ||||
3049 | = | Starlight | 326 | ||||
3050 | = | blood_goddess | 326 |