AirAlex's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 13, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
7011 | +7 | wingedkitty | 45,494 | ||||
7012 | +7 | Almoni11 | 45,395 | ||||
7013 | +7 | Linda009 | 45,341 | ||||
7014 | +7 | aDistraction | 45,296 | ||||
7015 | +7 | abslau27 | 45,294 | ||||
7016 | +7 | masandyebba | 45,287 | ||||
7017 | +7 | Rose Stables | 45,185 | ||||
7018 | +7 | Rebecca Tully | 45,030 | ||||
7019 | +7 | Klyse | 45,013 | ||||
7020 | +7 | AirAlex | 44,991 | ||||
7021 | +8 | ɢʀɪᴍᴍ12 | 44,978 | ||||
7022 | +8 | Jillany20 | 44,969 | ||||
7023 | +8 | Redmondz | 44,931 | ||||
7024 | +8 | camden4h | 44,889 | ||||
7025 | +8 | 0614039835 | 44,853 | ||||
7026 | +8 | canda | 44,796 | ||||
7027 | +8 | Ellabg | 44,781 | ||||
7028 | +8 | CHRSTINAI | 44,733 | ||||
7029 | +8 | Jmeyer97 | 44,716 | ||||
7030 | +8 | Happyhorsey1854 | 44,699 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
5781 | -2 | shanachie05 | 30 | ||||
5782 | -2 | venetiaa51 | 30 | ||||
5783 | -2 | Elliegirl324 | 30 | ||||
5784 | -1 | Happycrunch | 30 | ||||
5785 | -1 | bee-a-trice | 30 | ||||
5786 | -1 | cowgirlmack | 30 | ||||
5787 | -1 | NeonHearts | 30 | ||||
5788 | -1 | tinytim | 30 | ||||
5789 | -1 | Paul781993 | 30 | ||||
5790 | -1 | AirAlex | 30 | ||||
5791 | -1 | cherry-bay22 | 30 | ||||
5792 | -1 | janetteky | 30 | ||||
5793 | -1 | amjose | 30 | ||||
5794 | -1 | alyrud | 30 | ||||
5795 | -1 | ooooK1423 | 30 | ||||
5796 | -1 | ᴛʜᴇ ғoᴜʀ ʜoʀsᴇᴍᴇɴ. | 30 | ||||
5797 | -1 | Vitaz38 | 30 | ||||
5798 | -1 | Kippers | 30 | ||||
5799 | -1 | Gweni lover | 30 | ||||
5800 | -1 | mister2020 | 30 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
6245 | +8 | conorryan | 119,981 | ||||
6246 | +4 | xoxoburrow | 119,853 | ||||
6247 | +4 | Daimond23 | 119,852 | ||||
6248 | +6 | Sharreez30 | 119,764 | ||||
6249 | +6 | Lillie Stinson | 119,418 | ||||
6250 | +6 | twojastara96 | 119,378 | ||||
6251 | +6 | Astraea93 | 119,330 | ||||
6252 | +6 | queenempress | 119,310 | ||||
6253 | +6 | lillyh2008 | 119,285 | ||||
6254 | +6 | AirAlex | 119,115 | ||||
6255 | +155 | loralane | 118,882 | ||||
6256 | +5 | devynkay | 118,720 | ||||
6257 | +6 | Kensey1984 | 118,662 | ||||
6258 | +4 | Linky | 118,624 | ||||
6259 | +5 | liltoothbrush | 118,495 | ||||
6260 | +5 | Bethel | 118,483 | ||||
6261 | +5 | ecorky | 118,432 | ||||
6262 | +6 | Tiarra35 | 118,394 | ||||
6263 | +4 | KilljoyEvie | 118,342 | ||||
6264 | +5 | LisaIsAChicken | 118,278 |
Player | Days | ||||||
4942 | -5 | KandyCane | 139 | ||||
4943 | -5 | Fall Leaves123 | 139 | ||||
4944 | -5 | Trigger2807 | 139 | ||||
4945 | -5 | honeybunny | 139 | ||||
4946 | -4 | POAsRock | 139 | ||||
4947 | -4 | Jayneey | 139 | ||||
4948 | +13 | RACHELLO87 | 139 | ||||
4949 | -1 | mysteryspyro10 | 138 | ||||
4950 | -1 | lilly217 | 138 | ||||
4951 | -1 | AirAlex | 138 | ||||
4952 | -1 | ~cochinlover~ | 138 | ||||
4953 | -1 | katiemp3 | 138 | ||||
4954 | -1 | Kiara1988 | 138 | ||||
4955 | -1 | Plutonium | 138 | ||||
4956 | -1 | quincy_ | 138 | ||||
4957 | -1 | LeahRenee | 138 | ||||
4958 | -1 | zsorra | 138 | ||||
4959 | -1 | Naktene | 138 | ||||
4960 | -1 | Cr7 | 138 | ||||
4961 | -1 | The Muffin Man | 138 |