Crimson Saint's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 18, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
5814 | -1 | Cantz | 117,782 | ||||
5815 | -1 | urbay45 | 117,647 | ||||
5816 | -1 | Nokota400 | 117,218 | ||||
5817 | -1 | SBEcowgirl | 117,205 | ||||
5818 | -1 | ElsaWindsnap214 | 117,201 | ||||
5819 | -1 | RedEyedDemon | 117,160 | ||||
5820 | -1 | Kam96 | 117,111 | ||||
5821 | -1 | Dreamcatcher1881 | 117,101 | ||||
5822 | -1 | redwoodeq | 117,050 | ||||
5823 | -1 | Crimson Saint | 116,761 | ||||
5824 | -1 | hello2016 | 116,751 | ||||
5825 | -1 | WinterWatcher | 116,469 | ||||
5826 | -1 | Mania1218 | 116,431 | ||||
5827 | -1 | mikeperez44060 | 116,059 | ||||
5828 | -1 | lilysaidso | 116,038 | ||||
5829 | -1 | selena4891 | 115,984 | ||||
5830 | -1 | goofilms | 115,925 | ||||
5831 | -1 | PurebredMania17 | 115,852 | ||||
5832 | -1 | Rubyyarn | 115,732 | ||||
5833 | -1 | PlurpleUnicorn | 115,626 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
5055 | -2 | sc94 | 36 | ||||
5056 | -2 | Skraeir | 36 | ||||
5057 | -2 | Shardae24 | 36 | ||||
5058 | -2 | Ashlynn02 | 36 | ||||
5059 | -2 | varlight | 36 | ||||
5060 | -2 | ManeSassy | 36 | ||||
5061 | -2 | Kelpiesnowbear | 36 | ||||
5062 | -2 | ShellHon | 36 | ||||
5063 | -2 | UntamedSpirit | 36 | ||||
5064 | -2 | Crimson Saint | 36 | ||||
5065 | -2 | Maddy Star | 36 | ||||
5066 | -2 | murphylog | 36 | ||||
5067 | -2 | Roro | 36 | ||||
5068 | -2 | devynkay | 36 | ||||
5069 | -2 | OdeToSleep. | 35 | ||||
5070 | -2 | Axterni | 35 | ||||
5071 | -2 | Marisha | 35 | ||||
5072 | -2 | ilovelola | 35 | ||||
5073 | -2 | singKimmey | 35 | ||||
5074 | -2 | Magix | 35 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
3202 | +5 | Halnos | 789,710 | ||||
3203 | +8 | Bluebelle | 789,668 | ||||
3204 | -223 | ShaylaZachman | 789,335 | ||||
3205 | +4 | drmctchr | 789,229 | ||||
3206 | +4 | Evilchickenfoot | 789,192 | ||||
3207 | +5 | bellyache | 788,329 | ||||
3208 | +5 | spearmintgreen | 787,776 | ||||
3209 | +5 | melwalla | 787,545 | ||||
3210 | -25 | Cait717 | 787,362 | ||||
3211 | +6 | Crimson Saint | 784,819 | ||||
3212 | +3 | annabel123 | 784,600 | ||||
3213 | +3 | Noonset | 784,339 | ||||
3214 | -27 | EstherHadassah | 783,909 | ||||
3215 | +4 | dannie_love | 782,642 | ||||
3216 | +4 | chataignon | 782,397 | ||||
3217 | +4 | Kaity.K23 | 781,447 | ||||
3218 | +5 | Assassin | 780,911 | ||||
3219 | +14 | Lexy_Fly | 780,854 | ||||
3220 | +2 | Thea.97 | 780,470 | ||||
3221 | +3 | Thorbjorn | 780,316 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6484 | +27 | nattyco98 | 58 | ||||
6485 | +28 | Prisillaa | 58 | ||||
6486 | -1 | MoonDancer | 58 | ||||
6487 | -1 | Frogert | 58 | ||||
6488 | +32 | Henbin | 58 | ||||
6489 | +32 | sunflour | 58 | ||||
6490 | +32 | Zamoia | 58 | ||||
6491 | +32 | kittymarsh | 58 | ||||
6492 | -5 | pjmstuff | 57 | ||||
6493 | -5 | Crimson Saint | 57 | ||||
6494 | -5 | jusheda | 57 | ||||
6495 | -5 | alr1800 | 57 | ||||
6496 | -5 | PixieCat | 57 | ||||
6497 | -5 | alrva | 57 | ||||
6498 | -5 | Thirina | 57 | ||||
6499 | -5 | Micalana | 57 | ||||
6500 | -5 | wardens | 57 | ||||
6501 | -5 | catalyst | 57 | ||||
6502 | -5 | Shirayuki | 57 | ||||
6503 | -5 | ammelockheart | 57 |