InfamousArgyle's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 2, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4610 | -2 | Georgia D. | 179,138 | ||||
4611 | -2 | Michaella1 | 179,135 | ||||
4612 | -2 | LeahRenee | 179,131 | ||||
4613 | -2 | tomatofarm3r | 179,120 | ||||
4614 | -2 | AndAnotherFig | 179,117 | ||||
4615 | -2 | Shamrock2474 | 179,091 | ||||
4616 | -2 | Kat.95 | 179,087 | ||||
4617 | -30 | Addi_241 | 179,082 | ||||
4618 | -410 | tutti frutti | 179,031 | ||||
4619 | -4 | InfamousArgyle | 179,021 | ||||
4620 | -531 | Marisha | 179,019 | ||||
4621 | -5 | Satoru | 178,999 | ||||
4622 | -5 | Stilinski | 178,969 | ||||
4623 | -5 | Barrelsct | 178,940 | ||||
4624 | -4 | rosebush | 178,846 | ||||
4625 | -4 | brendakis | 178,822 | ||||
4626 | -4 | lovvies | 178,664 | ||||
4627 | -4 | arosep | 178,664 | ||||
4628 | -4 | Pumpkin | 178,608 | ||||
4629 | -4 | hpete1 | 178,564 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4241 | -2 | Fortina | 42 | ||||
4242 | -2 | sunshinemonster | 42 | ||||
4243 | -2 | JadeCakes | 42 | ||||
4244 | +252 | mfc30108 | 42 | ||||
4245 | -3 | louiselouise | 42 | ||||
4246 | -3 | Meggie5566 | 42 | ||||
4247 | -3 | horsesnarrows | 42 | ||||
4248 | -3 | mommi2omi | 42 | ||||
4249 | -3 | Kusuma | 42 | ||||
4250 | -3 | InfamousArgyle | 42 | ||||
4251 | -3 | lilliesandlilacs | 42 | ||||
4252 | -3 | AK2002 | 42 | ||||
4253 | -3 | KvB4 | 42 | ||||
4254 | -2 | Cha'tima | 42 | ||||
4255 | -2 | Broken Angel | 42 | ||||
4256 | -2 | Shitaro | 42 | ||||
4257 | -2 | hiding_gal12 | 42 | ||||
4258 | -2 | Ice Viper | 42 | ||||
4259 | -2 | AlanaCupcake | 42 | ||||
4260 | -2 | lilyd0525 | 42 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
5332 | -1 | MemeDealer | 235,757 | ||||
5333 | -1 | RachelleL | 235,665 | ||||
5334 | = | Mr Hyde563 | 235,274 | ||||
5335 | = | Yuu | 235,219 | ||||
5336 | = | Ira10 | 235,082 | ||||
5337 | = | Neysaz81 | 235,042 | ||||
5338 | +1 | Brittniea84 | 234,710 | ||||
5339 | -1 | kitkatkate | 234,624 | ||||
5340 | = | Nia W | 234,491 | ||||
5341 | = | InfamousArgyle | 234,412 | ||||
5342 | = | Alyssa.Anderson1 | 234,334 | ||||
5343 | = | Blood Thorn | 234,300 | ||||
5344 | = | Dorothea | 234,096 | ||||
5345 | +1 | Arlenz52 | 233,805 | ||||
5346 | -1 | jumper909 | 233,765 | ||||
5347 | = | barrel_life | 233,557 | ||||
5348 | = | Blackie42 | 233,469 | ||||
5349 | +2 | RinnKloud | 233,119 | ||||
5350 | -1 | Alexandar71 | 233,117 | ||||
5351 | -1 | XxVixenxX | 232,757 |
Player | Days | ||||||
5206 | -2 | Cheyenne Key | 121 | ||||
5207 | -2 | xClarkiel | 121 | ||||
5208 | -2 | Griffee Farms | 121 | ||||
5209 | +12 | Raeannz90 | 121 | ||||
5210 | +12 | Sulmaa18 | 121 | ||||
5211 | +12 | Laneeshaa | 121 | ||||
5212 | +12 | Obdulioz86 | 121 | ||||
5213 | -3 | CraziestOfTays | 120 | ||||
5214 | -3 | Dhibby | 120 | ||||
5215 | -3 | InfamousArgyle | 120 | ||||
5216 | -3 | Andromeda | 120 | ||||
5217 | -3 | DarkRose48 | 120 | ||||
5218 | -3 | xennyeh | 120 | ||||
5219 | -3 | Prettystressed. | 120 | ||||
5220 | -3 | buntastic | 120 | ||||
5221 | -3 | Ziva23 | 120 | ||||
5222 | -3 | Cortney | 120 | ||||
5223 | -3 | Madelynn23 | 120 | ||||
5224 | +12 | MrsCartelRiver | 120 | ||||
5225 | +12 | Jujuanz78 | 120 |