SpottedLeo's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 4, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
7671 | -3 | Ibraheem40 | 31,912 | ||||
7672 | -2 | LunarIceKaia | 31,899 | ||||
7673 | -1 | crissy29 | 31,877 | ||||
7674 | -1 | littlemew5 | 31,866 | ||||
7675 | = | kentaroi1 | 31,794 | ||||
7676 | = | glitzigal | 31,791 | ||||
7677 | = | Arxielle | 31,754 | ||||
7678 | = | KittyQueen313 | 31,715 | ||||
7679 | -8 | Tarshaz | 31,668 | ||||
7680 | -1 | SpottedLeo | 31,642 | ||||
7681 | -1 | Natsu.dragneel | 31,621 | ||||
7682 | -1 | Vitaz38 | 31,608 | ||||
7683 | = | Ladarriusi24 | 31,593 | ||||
7684 | -10 | willenaz46 | 31,590 | ||||
7685 | -1 | Durwini4 | 31,585 | ||||
7686 | -1 | Kasandra28 | 31,572 | ||||
7687 | -1 | RidingFree97 | 31,547 | ||||
7688 | -6 | Bram69 | 31,546 | ||||
7689 | -1 | Millissa91 | 31,504 | ||||
7690 | -1 | MNskye | 31,463 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
8490 | = | tuxedorockiemisty. | 10 | ||||
8491 | = | kaymick | 10 | ||||
8492 | +1 | Cooper0 | 10 | ||||
8493 | +1 | Alexandra | 10 | ||||
8494 | +1 | TinyToker21 | 10 | ||||
8495 | +1 | NurseNic | 10 | ||||
8496 | +1 | Universe123456789 | 10 | ||||
8497 | +1 | KrystalKlear | 10 | ||||
8498 | +1 | Moonwitch | 10 | ||||
8499 | +1 | SpottedLeo | 10 | ||||
8500 | +1 | jazoriae27 | 10 | ||||
8501 | +1 | glitzigal | 10 | ||||
8502 | +1 | kotel | 10 | ||||
8503 | +1 | skflames | 10 | ||||
8504 | +1 | greyamaris | 10 | ||||
8505 | +1 | LAURANZ80 | 10 | ||||
8506 | +1 | Shaleyz89 | 10 | ||||
8507 | +1 | fennecnco | 10 | ||||
8508 | +296 | Chettinger28 | 10 | ||||
8509 | = | rkl7345 | 10 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
6691 | -1 | AkariRayne | 86,389 | ||||
6692 | = | gcuratolo13 | 86,330 | ||||
6693 | = | rummingtonUS | 86,195 | ||||
6694 | = | debrisevriss | 86,193 | ||||
6695 | = | Angelz | 86,149 | ||||
6696 | = | victoriafinley | 85,905 | ||||
6697 | -6 | Bathshebay | 85,841 | ||||
6698 | = | Dark Queen | 85,800 | ||||
6699 | -127 | Tsue | 85,798 | ||||
6700 | -1 | SpottedLeo | 85,500 | ||||
6701 | -1 | DreadfulViking | 85,498 | ||||
6702 | -1 | ewilloug | 85,454 | ||||
6703 | -1 | ajohnston0708 | 85,336 | ||||
6704 | -1 | YoungLioness98 | 85,225 | ||||
6705 | +7 | katbubbles | 85,203 | ||||
6706 | -2 | unia152 | 85,189 | ||||
6707 | -1 | CSPEED | 85,118 | ||||
6708 | -1 | KiraSoulEater | 85,091 | ||||
6709 | -1 | Taynh98 | 85,081 | ||||
6710 | +6 | zenyatta157 | 84,828 |
Player | Days | ||||||
5777 | +2 | big_ol_lizard_boi | 87 | ||||
5778 | +2 | Heidiana | 87 | ||||
5779 | +2 | Rachel Duncan | 87 | ||||
5780 | +2 | jav | 87 | ||||
5781 | +2 | rainbowolf | 87 | ||||
5782 | +2 | havu | 87 | ||||
5783 | +2 | Echo.Song | 86 | ||||
5784 | +2 | arr24 | 86 | ||||
5785 | +2 | LazyBones123 | 86 | ||||
5786 | +2 | SpottedLeo | 86 | ||||
5787 | +2 | HorseWestern | 86 | ||||
5788 | +2 | hellovolchitsa | 86 | ||||
5789 | +2 | HarvestMoonFarm7 | 86 | ||||
5790 | +2 | IlvermornyMage | 86 | ||||
5791 | +2 | Tori | 86 | ||||
5792 | +2 | Connie Ismay | 86 | ||||
5793 | +2 | Meggie5566 | 86 | ||||
5794 | +2 | sun.citrus | 86 | ||||
5795 | +2 | Toxicity | 86 | ||||
5796 | +2 | Pattern | 86 |