Princisstay's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 1, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4358 | -2 | BodhiCoyote | 194,319 | ||||
4359 | -2 | stephra26 | 194,284 | ||||
4360 | -2 | Otter34 | 194,253 | ||||
4361 | -2 | ChaosChaser | 194,224 | ||||
4362 | -2 | Frost | 194,160 | ||||
4363 | -2 | pearcea | 194,097 | ||||
4364 | -2 | Ghiby | 194,092 | ||||
4365 | -2 | redpanda | 193,981 | ||||
4366 | -1 | myyoia | 193,957 | ||||
4367 | -1 | Princisstay | 193,868 | ||||
4368 | -1 | LittleCandy | 193,808 | ||||
4369 | -1 | add | 193,571 | ||||
4370 | -1 | katj813 | 193,556 | ||||
4371 | -1 | Silverstream | 193,491 | ||||
4372 | -1 | barrel_life | 193,463 | ||||
4373 | -1 | Horselover Lexi | 193,423 | ||||
4374 | -1 | RAMR | 193,418 | ||||
4375 | -1 | hearte | 193,296 | ||||
4376 | -1 | SecretlySlytherin | 193,228 | ||||
4377 | -1 | Eomer | 193,140 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3562 | -1 | MysticMustangs22 | 49 | ||||
3563 | -1 | faithyfingg | 49 | ||||
3564 | -1 | luna-anime1230 | 49 | ||||
3565 | -1 | Snowdriftpop | 49 | ||||
3566 | -1 | Bailzers | 49 | ||||
3567 | -1 | ENNILIQ | 49 | ||||
3568 | -1 | Azee | 49 | ||||
3569 | -1 | drhouse | 49 | ||||
3570 | -1 | IlovemyhorseDemi12 | 49 | ||||
3571 | -1 | Princisstay | 49 | ||||
3572 | -1 | Peterpan0328 | 49 | ||||
3573 | -1 | horselovever | 49 | ||||
3574 | -1 | Naeuri | 49 | ||||
3575 | -1 | phantum | 49 | ||||
3576 | -1 | Mik101 | 49 | ||||
3577 | -1 | MickeyTRN | 49 | ||||
3578 | -1 | AwesomeEmy | 49 | ||||
3579 | -1 | LilRed | 49 | ||||
3580 | -1 | sun.citrus | 49 | ||||
3581 | -1 | HorsesRMe123 | 49 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1972 | -13 | Vanessa Turner | 1,863,570 | ||||
1973 | -4 | sporky | 1,863,372 | ||||
1974 | -3 | WVCowgirl60 | 1,860,833 | ||||
1975 | -5 | SilentHillFreak | 1,860,580 | ||||
1976 | -4 | Greta1234 | 1,859,461 | ||||
1977 | -2 | rustyjames | 1,852,964 | ||||
1978 | = | tourmalily | 1,852,154 | ||||
1979 | -3 | Starling512 | 1,850,337 | ||||
1980 | = | OkieCowgirl | 1,850,033 | ||||
1981 | = | Princisstay | 1,848,975 | ||||
1982 | = | tempest | 1,848,664 | ||||
1983 | +2 | Midnight18 | 1,846,023 | ||||
1984 | -1 | DahilaRose | 1,845,607 | ||||
1985 | -12 | Wii | 1,844,898 | ||||
1986 | +1 | millay | 1,844,866 | ||||
1987 | -1 | Flurp | 1,844,789 | ||||
1988 | = | Dreamcatcher | 1,843,640 | ||||
1989 | = | Chocolate Lover | 1,843,540 | ||||
1990 | = | SilverSummer | 1,842,541 | ||||
1991 | -14 | Quincy | 1,840,887 |
Player | Days | ||||||
3818 | +1 | Roni_G51688 | 196 | ||||
3819 | +1 | DarkHansol | 196 | ||||
3820 | +1 | leviackerman1997 | 196 | ||||
3821 | +1 | Eresma68 | 195 | ||||
3822 | +1 | JoyfulGerbil36 | 195 | ||||
3823 | +1 | Melody_Brooks | 195 | ||||
3824 | +1 | fishfandom | 195 | ||||
3825 | +1 | CaraD | 195 | ||||
3826 | +1 | xoautumnxoxx | 194 | ||||
3827 | +1 | Princisstay | 194 | ||||
3828 | +1 | lpendergraph | 194 | ||||
3829 | +1 | NightmareRose | 194 | ||||
3830 | +1 | MintOMore | 194 | ||||
3831 | +1 | Becca Ruiz | 194 | ||||
3832 | +1 | roserosie75 | 194 | ||||
3833 | +1 | RaptorBlue | 194 | ||||
3834 | +6 | Bluelilly | 194 | ||||
3835 | = | trujft | 193 | ||||
3836 | = | ZK Sport Horses | 193 | ||||
3837 | = | Shitaro | 193 |