Kusuma's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 11, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4779 | +1 | Snow Bunny | 171,089 | ||||
4780 | +1 | aleduc777 | 171,083 | ||||
4781 | +1 | Cinnamon | 171,032 | ||||
4782 | +2 | UnknownR | 170,908 | ||||
4783 | +2 | Fear2116 | 170,904 | ||||
4784 | +2 | 火嵐山 | 170,864 | ||||
4785 | +2 | qh_person | 170,813 | ||||
4786 | +2 | Naktene | 170,781 | ||||
4787 | +2 | morganmlr1 | 170,718 | ||||
4788 | +2 | Kusuma | 170,618 | ||||
4789 | +2 | Kate Walker | 170,609 | ||||
4790 | +2 | Mythology_ | 170,544 | ||||
4791 | +2 | Ultimawolf | 170,544 | ||||
4792 | +219 | Horses_lover 01 | 170,542 | ||||
4793 | +14 | sunshinemonster | 170,528 | ||||
4794 | = | Willy Love | 170,517 | ||||
4795 | = | Griffee Farms | 170,492 | ||||
4796 | = | EllyFall5 | 170,425 | ||||
4797 | = | Riderandspider | 170,398 | ||||
4798 | = | NatFitz | 170,362 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4249 | -1 | Evil Dr. Porkchop | 42 | ||||
4250 | -1 | galwaygirl2 | 42 | ||||
4251 | -1 | Fortina | 42 | ||||
4252 | -1 | JadeCakes | 42 | ||||
4253 | +114 | cowgirl4Christ | 42 | ||||
4254 | -2 | louiselouise | 42 | ||||
4255 | -2 | Meggie5566 | 42 | ||||
4256 | -2 | horsesnarrows | 42 | ||||
4257 | -2 | mommi2omi | 42 | ||||
4258 | -2 | Kusuma | 42 | ||||
4259 | -2 | InfamousArgyle | 42 | ||||
4260 | -2 | lilliesandlilacs | 42 | ||||
4261 | -2 | KvB4 | 42 | ||||
4262 | -2 | Cha'tima | 42 | ||||
4263 | -2 | Broken Angel | 42 | ||||
4264 | -2 | Shitaro | 42 | ||||
4265 | -2 | hiding_gal12 | 42 | ||||
4266 | -2 | Ice Viper | 42 | ||||
4267 | -2 | AlanaCupcake | 42 | ||||
4268 | -2 | lilyd0525 | 42 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
4434 | +2 | gemhue | 378,249 | ||||
4435 | +3 | Laneeshaa | 377,245 | ||||
4436 | +3 | Vernardy | 376,978 | ||||
4437 | +5 | Kailynn94 | 376,865 | ||||
4438 | +2 | США | 376,864 | ||||
4439 | +4 | Damonti | 376,856 | ||||
4440 | +1 | AlwaysTrueX3 | 376,854 | ||||
4441 | +4 | Dragan58 | 376,306 | ||||
4442 | +2 | awesomeness500 | 376,223 | ||||
4443 | +3 | Kusuma | 375,966 | ||||
4444 | +3 | MALINI62 | 375,938 | ||||
4445 | +3 | Ratschida | 375,815 | ||||
4446 | +4 | Megnan50 | 375,790 | ||||
4447 | +2 | giorgimartinez | 375,722 | ||||
4448 | +3 | Rasheeda69 | 375,675 | ||||
4449 | +6 | Shawntaei48 | 375,068 | ||||
4450 | +2 | cheea97 | 375,057 | ||||
4451 | +2 | terada | 374,897 | ||||
4452 | +2 | Beckiei74 | 374,835 | ||||
4453 | +36 | Alejandrinai22 | 374,461 |
Player | Days | ||||||
3010 | -1 | sam5657 | 336 | ||||
3011 | -1 | girasole22 | 336 | ||||
3012 | -1 | Nikkie | 336 | ||||
3013 | -1 | Sognatore | 336 | ||||
3014 | -1 | kuchipatchis | 336 | ||||
3015 | -1 | novalee | 336 | ||||
3016 | +4 | FloridaCracker | 336 | ||||
3017 | +4 | Vapour | 336 | ||||
3018 | -2 | Scully | 335 | ||||
3019 | -2 | Kusuma | 335 | ||||
3020 | -2 | hermionerox97 | 335 | ||||
3021 | -2 | julichito17 | 335 | ||||
3022 | +4 | DragonHeart | 335 | ||||
3023 | -1 | Hampton | 334 | ||||
3024 | -1 | bollhoefer3 | 334 | ||||
3025 | -1 | Claude | 334 | ||||
3026 | -1 | ☆DASH☆ | 334 | ||||
3027 | = | Ktyhrea | 333 | ||||
3028 | = | tinkersmell13 | 333 | ||||
3029 | = | leslie375 | 332 |