NurseArtist's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 3, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
6740 | +3 | SunnyWolf | 54,086 | ||||
6741 | +3 | Painted Moon | 53,944 | ||||
6742 | +3 | suez2 | 53,857 | ||||
6743 | +3 | UntamedSpirit | 53,792 | ||||
6744 | +3 | Blissofsoul | 53,763 | ||||
6745 | +3 | sawah | 53,657 | ||||
6746 | +30 | Dalay98 | 53,641 | ||||
6747 | +2 | Nikwhit | 53,603 | ||||
6748 | +1046 | ABissodone1 | 53,503 | ||||
6749 | +2 | NurseArtist | 53,496 | ||||
6750 | +2 | Anna7878 | 53,465 | ||||
6751 | +2 | silvermist | 53,460 | ||||
6752 | +2 | SparkleLovesYou | 53,388 | ||||
6753 | +2 | Lindsey Brooke Cox | 53,331 | ||||
6754 | +2 | Carrollz80 | 53,193 | ||||
6755 | +2 | MagicalPal | 53,130 | ||||
6756 | +2 | exactlyasyouexpect | 53,107 | ||||
6757 | +2 | 2Bored2Care | 53,097 | ||||
6758 | +2 | ǝɯıʇ puɐ ǝɔɐdS | 53,077 | ||||
6759 | +2 | ThatOneKid | 53,071 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4970 | -1 | Biscuit | 36 | ||||
4971 | -1 | july10 | 36 | ||||
4972 | -1 | Fire | 36 | ||||
4973 | -1 | scout | 36 | ||||
4974 | -1 | KnightedBaroness | 36 | ||||
4975 | -1 | Kadesh | 36 | ||||
4976 | -1 | madelyn.k.r | 36 | ||||
4977 | -1 | Moondoll | 36 | ||||
4978 | -1 | cryptiott | 36 | ||||
4979 | -1 | NurseArtist | 36 | ||||
4980 | -1 | mickey10 | 36 | ||||
4981 | -1 | horseshoexo | 36 | ||||
4982 | -1 | Taurus | 36 | ||||
4983 | -1 | hotel 13 | 36 | ||||
4984 | -1 | мєтℓιѕ | 36 | ||||
4985 | -1 | Bish | 36 | ||||
4986 | -1 | IsraZ | 36 | ||||
4987 | -1 | Ayro | 36 | ||||
4988 | -1 | R.Amdis | 36 | ||||
4989 | -1 | Amethyst Angel | 36 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
5254 | -6 | Otis123456789 | 246,702 | ||||
5255 | -6 | cosmokidd | 246,694 | ||||
5256 | -1 | Horsecrazygirl2929 | 246,624 | ||||
5257 | -1 | TruthOrDare | 246,500 | ||||
5258 | -8 | StormGod19 | 246,463 | ||||
5259 | -8 | Honeycloud | 246,418 | ||||
5260 | -6 | AZTECTREASURE | 246,373 | ||||
5261 | +1 | _Zeraphia_ | 246,049 | ||||
5262 | -5 | miramaxx | 245,861 | ||||
5263 | -5 | NurseArtist | 245,792 | ||||
5264 | = | Lavarr85 | 245,674 | ||||
5265 | +60 | towannaz61 | 245,573 | ||||
5266 | -7 | Miraclez29 | 245,558 | ||||
5267 | -6 | Malleryi72 | 245,282 | ||||
5268 | -8 | Silverdove1984 | 245,176 | ||||
5269 | +8 | moonlyt_ | 244,857 | ||||
5270 | -5 | Sanna92 | 244,611 | ||||
5271 | -4 | Brandenna | 244,565 | ||||
5272 | -6 | jadestris | 244,472 | ||||
5273 | -5 | lyk | 244,415 |
Player | Days | ||||||
4710 | -7 | Rittanyy83 | 148 | ||||
4711 | -7 | Hashimz | 148 | ||||
4712 | +15 | RAYFORDO49 | 148 | ||||
4713 | +15 | Shanecei31 | 148 | ||||
4714 | +15 | Dalay98 | 148 | ||||
4715 | -3 | hawaiian | 147 | ||||
4716 | -3 | Cborcz77 | 147 | ||||
4717 | -3 | arosep | 147 | ||||
4718 | -3 | Takoda | 147 | ||||
4719 | -3 | NurseArtist | 147 | ||||
4720 | -3 | Lili18 | 147 | ||||
4721 | -3 | autumnlynn | 147 | ||||
4722 | -3 | Lexyspike | 147 | ||||
4723 | -3 | WolfDancer | 147 | ||||
4724 | -3 | 햇빛 광선 | 147 | ||||
4725 | -3 | Tamyria | 147 | ||||
4726 | -3 | Obsidian | 147 | ||||
4727 | +12 | QueenUnicorn175 | 147 | ||||
4728 | -4 | Naxela | 147 | ||||
4729 | +12 | SENDYO17 | 147 |