Shadoki83's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 2, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2293 | +24 | Malea | 476,615 | ||||
2294 | -1 | kenziemcm | 476,517 | ||||
2295 | -1 | Annika Hostetter | 476,138 | ||||
2296 | -1 | stehauser | 475,952 | ||||
2297 | -1 | millay | 475,702 | ||||
2298 | -1 | Axolotl | 475,383 | ||||
2299 | -1 | Aiko | 475,268 | ||||
2300 | -1 | kaylapreynolds | 474,990 | ||||
2301 | -1 | LaDiabla | 474,755 | ||||
2302 | -1 | Shadoki83 | 474,611 | ||||
2303 | -1 | Lea Holmgren | 474,390 | ||||
2304 | = | Maul's Apprentice | 474,170 | ||||
2305 | = | SuperHorseLover | 474,043 | ||||
2306 | = | eemguidry | 473,915 | ||||
2307 | = | kurlykando | 473,798 | ||||
2308 | = | apricot7 | 473,631 | ||||
2309 | = | Fawkes | 473,557 | ||||
2310 | = | kattAbsinthe666 | 473,496 | ||||
2311 | = | Indigo15 | 473,397 | ||||
2312 | +3 | bner516 | 473,209 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3134 | -1 | Crypticbydesign | 54 | ||||
3135 | -1 | alexiagomez947 | 54 | ||||
3136 | -1 | Brit-tanica | 54 | ||||
3137 | -1 | LuckyMustang | 54 | ||||
3138 | -1 | honour | 54 | ||||
3139 | -1 | Softballgurl | 54 | ||||
3140 | -1 | GrimalkinAura | 54 | ||||
3141 | -1 | BKLogan325 | 54 | ||||
3142 | -1 | kattAbsinthe666 | 54 | ||||
3143 | -1 | Shadoki83 | 54 | ||||
3144 | -1 | dragonheartedd | 54 | ||||
3145 | = | Bar Refael | 54 | ||||
3146 | = | honeybee85 | 54 | ||||
3147 | = | livmas | 54 | ||||
3148 | = | CrazyScience1221 | 54 | ||||
3149 | = | cryptid-sighting | 54 | ||||
3150 | = | murchhh | 54 | ||||
3151 | = | Eleutheria | 54 | ||||
3152 | = | pixie356 | 54 | ||||
3153 | = | YOU ROCK!! | 54 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2369 | +2 | Roan_Lover | 1,403,304 | ||||
2370 | +2 | Maul's Apprentice | 1,403,288 | ||||
2371 | +3 | Jelli | 1,402,661 | ||||
2372 | +3 | Naeuri | 1,401,636 | ||||
2373 | +3 | girasole22 | 1,398,356 | ||||
2374 | +4 | logancell | 1,396,148 | ||||
2375 | +2 | Death85e | 1,396,076 | ||||
2376 | +4 | Beautiful Snow | 1,391,792 | ||||
2377 | +2 | yummycherryblosum | 1,391,747 | ||||
2378 | +3 | Shadoki83 | 1,390,557 | ||||
2379 | +3 | mwysong596 | 1,390,400 | ||||
2380 | +3 | NeonWonder | 1,389,738 | ||||
2381 | +3 | mmt | 1,388,886 | ||||
2382 | +3 | Green_Things | 1,386,163 | ||||
2383 | +3 | horsefanatic | 1,385,160 | ||||
2384 | +3 | Silveny | 1,383,240 | ||||
2385 | +5 | KyaValentine | 1,382,656 | ||||
2386 | +2 | EquineEmily | 1,382,451 | ||||
2387 | +2 | Border Collie | 1,381,566 | ||||
2388 | +3 | catangen | 1,379,246 |
Player | Days | ||||||
3737 | +7 | Silent Snow | 206 | ||||
3738 | -1 | Martin Wolf | 206 | ||||
3739 | -1 | Stormy9812 | 206 | ||||
3740 | -1 | Levitas | 206 | ||||
3741 | -1 | Red2 | 205 | ||||
3742 | -1 | MustangFame | 205 | ||||
3743 | -1 | Gold54 | 205 | ||||
3744 | -1 | khaleesi | 205 | ||||
3745 | +6 | KidaBridger | 204 | ||||
3746 | -1 | Shadoki83 | 204 | ||||
3747 | -1 | Katiejofoo | 204 | ||||
3748 | -1 | missflirt4 | 204 | ||||
3749 | -1 | Crazycatlady | 204 | ||||
3750 | -1 | skylizard | 204 | ||||
3751 | -1 | whitnayy1990 | 203 | ||||
3752 | = | moonshine321 | 203 | ||||
3753 | = | Thewishes | 203 | ||||
3754 | = | IsraZ | 203 | ||||
3755 | = | CourtneyMcIntosh | 203 | ||||
3756 | = | sullivans4750 | 203 |