Sjael's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 1, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
7990 | -6 | sternenstaub20 | 27,254 | ||||
7991 | -6 | WhisperTheBrave | 27,249 | ||||
7992 | -6 | Kgyggles | 27,227 | ||||
7993 | -6 | keara121 | 27,215 | ||||
7994 | -6 | minnymouse | 27,162 | ||||
7995 | -6 | Siomarai4 | 27,141 | ||||
7996 | +86 | Dierrez | 27,140 | ||||
7997 | -7 | blodhramr | 27,130 | ||||
7998 | -7 | Nuria18 | 27,113 | ||||
7999 | -6 | Sjael | 27,107 | ||||
8000 | -970 | tanerz21 | 27,101 | ||||
8001 | -7 | Aquajewel | 27,089 | ||||
8002 | -10 | Nikkola67 | 27,087 | ||||
8003 | -8 | PixieCat | 27,082 | ||||
8004 | -8 | sunflower0319 | 27,049 | ||||
8005 | -8 | Shanessaz | 27,043 | ||||
8006 | -8 | gangstaa xD | 27,040 | ||||
8007 | -8 | Dimeng | 27,038 | ||||
8008 | -8 | princessajm16 | 27,032 | ||||
8009 | -8 | MoonSky2023 | 27,029 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
7861 | = | flétri | 16 | ||||
7862 | = | Dodge Challenger | 16 | ||||
7863 | = | Saishin | 16 | ||||
7864 | = | OnceBitten0102 | 16 | ||||
7865 | = | ajohnston0708 | 16 | ||||
7866 | = | M1sfire | 16 | ||||
7867 | = | TheFrozenBelle | 16 | ||||
7868 | = | ZodiacWolf0127 | 16 | ||||
7869 | = | Renzar | 16 | ||||
7870 | = | Sjael | 16 | ||||
7871 | = | mdanell | 16 | ||||
7872 | = | HuntFarmsCo | 16 | ||||
7873 | = | AtTheOaks | 16 | ||||
7874 | = | TinyKay | 16 | ||||
7875 | = | QueenShanee97 | 16 | ||||
7876 | = | toushiouluver09 | 16 | ||||
7877 | = | Nylian | 16 | ||||
7878 | = | JazzyJ89 | 16 | ||||
7879 | = | Gaming_Destiny04 | 16 | ||||
7880 | = | shetlandpony | 16 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7797 | +4 | LLUSLAY | 35,477 | ||||
7798 | -1 | CrimsonFire | 35,474 | ||||
7799 | -1 | Dark Kitsune | 35,461 | ||||
7800 | -1 | CharmingSnow | 35,450 | ||||
7801 | +1 | L6JS47 | 35,405 | ||||
7802 | -10 | Shannelz69 | 35,396 | ||||
7803 | = | The RedRoom | 35,385 | ||||
7804 | = | Bella's Lucky Star | 35,315 | ||||
7805 | +1 | Zodiac118 | 35,292 | ||||
7806 | +1 | Sjael | 35,292 | ||||
7807 | +1 | DerringersSlave | 35,242 | ||||
7808 | -21 | LokisStudio | 35,231 | ||||
7809 | +1 | AngelShadows0102 | 35,216 | ||||
7810 | +1 | Elderwood | 35,212 | ||||
7811 | +2 | AndreMariy | 35,158 | ||||
7812 | +2 | sweetheartb777s | 35,120 | ||||
7813 | -774 | linnu712 | 35,115 | ||||
7814 | +1 | nico.2002 | 35,081 | ||||
7815 | +1 | erinnsword | 35,040 | ||||
7816 | +9 | .:090877:. | 34,998 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6742 | -1 | Tiydoiy | 49 | ||||
6743 | -1 | mustang8 | 49 | ||||
6744 | -1 | LADY-GREY31 | 49 | ||||
6745 | -1 | ザー・ベギニング・スター | 49 | ||||
6746 | -1 | Shirt | 49 | ||||
6747 | -1 | Vanamo21 | 49 | ||||
6748 | -1 | xx1nsanityx | 49 | ||||
6749 | -1 | katdaw987 | 49 | ||||
6750 | -1 | gcldenbcrd | 49 | ||||
6751 | -1 | Sjael | 49 | ||||
6752 | -1 | EmmaBemmavie | 49 | ||||
6753 | -1 | avacadonikes | 49 | ||||
6754 | -1 | dhracory | 49 | ||||
6755 | -1 | midnitehalo1234 | 49 | ||||
6756 | -1 | Moonstar | 49 | ||||
6757 | -1 | aDistraction | 49 | ||||
6758 | -1 | QuinnPenelope | 49 | ||||
6759 | -1 | LostSerpent | 49 | ||||
6760 | -1 | Brett3 | 49 | ||||
6761 | -1 | ECHO | 49 |